Horse Eden Eventing Game
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( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 12:45 PM

Blue Moon Breeding
Posts: 1587
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here, sorry lol, my laptop was'nt working yesterday)
Chance is a paint thoroughbred man flesh.
Chance| man flesh| M- Lilac, Mouse, open
Chance smiled at Lilac, looking up at the sky. He glanced at her, softly beggining to groom her neck. He nuzzled her softly, looking off into the horizon, his spot on the lush green hilltop making it easy to see into the low valley. He swished his tail again, his ears flicking back and forth, picking up and sounds. He liked the undead lady, but didn't want to draw attention to himself from the rest of the man fleshs in the herd. He looked at Mouse. "Yes, we are," he said with a smile.

Edited at May 1, 2020 12:47 PM by Blue moon mountain
( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 12:56 PM

Whispering Wood Barn
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Storm| Male age 3| Single|M: Noda, Rowan, Cloud, Mouse, Stella, Roman, Wonder, Chance, Lilac

Blue orbs was still locked on the painted grey man flesh, yet somthing seemed to storm up (pun intended ;)) inside the man flesh at the nasty teasing words that drummed his audits that he had said towards the blood bay undead lady, Noda. Audits seemed to pin, a soured yet spiteful expression came over his frame, blue orbs seemed to have narrowed, hues trailed up and down as he looked over the stud, seeimg that he was trying to seem bigger than what he was. 'what was going on with him?' 'he wasn't the jealous type but somthing.... seemed to trigger him' plumage thrashed at his sides like an angry serpent he rose from the sands at his height and was no longer sloutched, he heard Noda speak but it didn't faze him, he knew she could handle herself but he soon felt his muzzle open. ''You won't ever touch her or call her yours. Why don't you go back where you came from'' the once shy man flesh had started to grow some back bone, his once shy timid sweet voice turned thick and deep. Blue orbs flicked across the other equines that stood around ''Why don't you all leave, ever heard of space!'' he snorted out sassy with a stomp of his hoof.

He hated this, why was everyone always flocking to where and what he claimed as his and called home. Anxiety still fluttered in him, his legs almost shaking in anger and fear that maybe he shouldn't opened his mouth. His thick muscular body tensed with irration, nostrils flared as he found his hues locking back to the painted man flesh, audits soon perked towards the palomino painted stud, Roman. Curiously, wondering where he had been the past few days, he tilted his frame as he spoke of Sally, his orbs seem to light up at her name, for he had noticed she had fled days ago.. but where was she? Seemed Roman knew but he didn't want to leave. An audit pinned as Roman spoke of his hatered towards the paint, but in fact Storm didn't hate him, he just didn't really trust or no him. All these thoughts, all these zombie army, he couldn't think. Every moment he felt himself panic and felt himself loading like a volcano about to explode!

Feeling his heart race, his orbs watched Roman flee the beach, his orbs travled over everyones frames {Cloud,Mouse,Stella,Wonder}, he felt for a moment like he couldn't breathe, everything felt numb, everything he seen turned into a blurr. Shaking his frame, he went to flee before feeling the comforting touch from Noda's muzzle

Her touch coarsed through his body, taking in a deep breathe, everything seemed to come back to him, where he was at, who was around, the scenery and the smells. Blicking his orbs as his panic attack had now waved over him and gone, he turned his frame towards Noda, soft orbs and shy audits soon pinned back once more, staring into her eyes, they held a 'thank you' look to them. He sighed out, plumage flicked as he felt the comfort of the ocean breeze brisk against him once more, hues flicked to Rowan, back to Noda, then towards Cloud. At the sounds of her soft whispers tickling his ears and as much as it pained him to leave home once more, he knew she was right. Orbs drifted to the golden sands, as his large frame turned to take in the ocean view once more, before he sighed out ''okay'' blue orbs locked to Noda as he soon bumbed his muzzle to hers, he offered her a shy smile, then dipped his head to Rowan, and began to pick up a trot, ready to follow the bloodbay undead lady where ever she wanted to take them, hooves crushed under the weight of the golden sands, taking in every salt breathe he could before they would vanish.

Edited at May 1, 2020 01:00 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 01:46 PM

Woodland Dream
Posts: 366
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Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse, Wonder, Cloud, Storm, Noda, Rowan
As Stella settled down near Mouse and Wonder, still careful not to touch either of them, she looked back at where the other horses [Storm, Noda, Rowan] were still on the beach. I wonder what they are doing, Stella thought. She also couldn't help being worried about Cloud, why am I worried about him? she thought, he hurt Mouse and wanted to claim me. She could hardly fight the mothering instinct that begged her to go check on Cloud. He'll be fine, besides I don't really care, she thought. She scooted a little closer to Mouse, a little worried that Cloud might come for her in the night. As she drifted off, confused and fearful thoughts of the rude painted stud kept haunting her mind.
Cloud/ Stallion/ M: Storm, Noda, Rowan, Mouse, Stella
Cloud lay in the warm sand under the palm tree as evening grew nearer. He thought over the events of the past few days, from being chased by the horse tamers to being groomed by Stella. Cloud remembers the rude words the painted stallion [storm] said to him.
I wish I hadn't gotten in that fight, Cloud thought. It was stupid, and now I'm too injured to defend myself for a day or two. An idea occurred to him. I need a group of horses to stay with. He thought of waiting until morning to try to join a group, but the shadows around him seemed to be shaping into cougars. His fear started to grow. I need to go join someone, now, he told himself. struggling to stand, he looked over at the horses on the beach [Noda, Rowan, Storm], they probably wouldn't welcome him after his rude words to Noda. Cloud winces, I shouldn't have made so many enemies so soon, but I guess I can't help it if the stallions feel threatened. There was one other group, but he didn't want to be with them either. Mouse, Stella, and the brindle mare [Wonder] had disappeared through the trees. They are my only option, Cloud thought gloomily, as he walked towards the three figures he saw lying under a tree.
( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 02:57 PM

Former Stable
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Mouse| Stallion| Single| M: Cloud, Stella, Wonder
Mouse sees the multicolored stallion aproaching, and Mouse quickly stands up in front of Stella. ' oh I can't leave Wonder out' Mouse sees his mistakes, and quickly guards both mares. The spotted stallion stands his grounds, and raies his head up like a kinight in shining armor. He will not let him take Stella. "If you have come back to apoligize, I will not accept." Mouse's lame attept at humor. " WHat do you want? Have you fianlly calmed down?" Mouse looks at Stella, her orbs glowing in the night. He quickly turns his head back to Cloud, keeping one orb always looking. Mouse thinks ' what if he tries to claim Stella?' So manyt thoughts running through his mind.
( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 03:16 PM

Woodland Dream
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Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse, Wonder, Cloud
Seeing Cloud coming toward the group, Stella pops her head up and watches in alarm. Is he coming to apologize? she asked herself. Wait, of course not, he is still the same snarky stallion that fought Mouse. Watching Mouse stand up, Stella is relieved that he is guarding her and Wonder. Sadly, Stella notices that Cloud is limping heavily on the leg that Mouse bit. He is too injured to be alone, she thinks. But she doesn't say anything, not wanting to make Cloud think she considers him weak, and not wanting to let Mouse know that her kind heart has already begun forgiving this hot-headed stallion. She looks on tensely, waiting for something to happen.
Cloud/ Stallion/ M: Mouse, Stella, Wonder
Cloud sees Mouse get up and stand in front of Stella, then quickly shift so he is in front of both Stella and the brindle [Wonder]. Mouse's muscles seem tense, ready to spring at Cloud if Cloud makes a wrong move. Cloud rolls his eyes, but stops himself halfway remembering he was supposed to be acting apologetic. I'm injured badly, why does he think I'm stupid enough to go after them now? Cloud thinks, but he ducks his head down and keeps his audits pinned in submission. "Sorry for intruding, guys," he says, looking shyly up at Mouse, but keeping his head down. "I know what I did was wrong," Cloud doesn't want to apologize to Mouse yet. "I'm really sorry, Stella," he says. I won't apologize to him, Cloud thinks, but I will still be submissive. Cloud has his frame down, keeping himself small as possible. He looks up at Mouse with his piercing blue orbs, trying his best to hide the anger that hides behind them with an apologetic look. "I need protection," he begins, "My leg is too weak for me to fight off predators right now." His orbs give Mouse his best pleading look, waiting for a response, and hoping that Mouse will show mercy.
( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 03:24 PM

Midnight Eclipse
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Rowan looked around, he slightly pinned his ears at the man fleshs {cloud,mouse,Roman and chance}. He gave a slight nod to Noda and He showered his head submissively to storm. He looked at all the other zombie army again and tried not to bare his teeth. He hurried after storm, giving a soft nicker to him a Noda as a way of saying thanks. He didn't stop himself this time when he looked over his shoulder at the horses {pretty much everyone} he pinned his ears and showed his teeth alittle as a threat to anyone who dared, he suddenly found himself feeling protective over some of the horses{Storm, Noda,} and narrowed his eyes as he followed Storm waiting got Noda to follow

Edited at May 1, 2020 03:28 PM by Midnight Eclipse
( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 04:25 PM

Former Stable
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Mouse| Stallion| Single| M: Stella, Cloud, Wonder
Mouse was torn between two things. That Cloud could be dangerous and that Mouse is so soft, he doesn't want cloud to be eaten by a predator. He turns to look at Stella. His hazel orbs locking with hers. He quickly turns back to look at cloud, he always wants to keep one eye on the painted stallion. " why should I trust you?" Mouse raises his head even more than it already is. The spotted stallion contemplates. " fine, but you are sleeping over there" Mouse pointed his high head about 15 feet from the tree. With a stern look, mouse lays down in between Cloud and the mares. Mouse completely intends to stay up until Cloud falls asleep. Mouse takes no risk.
( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 04:52 PM

Woodland Dream
Posts: 366
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Stella/ Mare/ M: Mouse, Cloud, Wonder
Stella sighs in relief as Mouse tells Cloud to lie down a little ways away. She is glad that they get to stay near Cloud, she doesn't want him to get hurt, but she is also a little scared of what he might do when Mouse falls asleep. She looks over to Wonder, wondering what she thinks of the whole ordeal. Stella relaxes into the grass as she notices that Mouse is staying awake to watch Cloud. I'm glad he's here to protect me, she thinks, a small smile in the corner of her mouth.
Cloud/ stallion/ M: Mouse, Stella, Wonder
Cloud lowers his head further in gratitude as he walks about 15 feet away to settle down. He notices that Mouse has positioned himself between Cloud and the two mares [Stella, Wonder]. Cloud flicks his tail in slight annoyance, he still thinks I'm stupid enough to claim the ares with my injured leg, he thinks. He doesn't blame Mouse for being protective though, as Cloud had obviously asserted himself as a threat.
Cloud lay down on his side, legs stretched out, mane and plumage spread along the grass, and audits perked so he could listen for any nearby threats. Somehow, he could feel the burning intensity of someon'e gaze upon his back. Must be Mouse, he thought, rolling his eyes and repositioning his head. He couldn't wait to be healed, so he wouldn't have to spend his time with Mouse for protection
( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 05:55 PM

Former Stable
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Mouse| Stallion| Single| M: Stella, Cloud, Wonder
Mouse watches as Cloud gets comfy and sprawls out. Mouse just keeps watching the stallion so he can keep Stella safe. Even though, Mouse wants and needs to sleep. Mouse still isn't sure if Cloud is sure. He feels his eyelids getting heavy. His audits perk up due to noises, but he just assumes its just a rabbit. Mouse tries to wake up by looking around. He looks at Stella. 'she sure is beautiful' Mouse looks back to Cloud, still in the same spot. 'I guess I should probably get some sleep.' Mouse slowly rests his head on the dewy grass. He closes his eyes reluctantly.
( CLOSED RP) May 1, 2020 06:11 PM

Former Stable
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Wonder| M.a.r.e.| Single| M: Mouse, Cloud, Stella
Wonder wakes up to birds chirping and the smell of the ocean. She plops her head back down. " this is amazing. I love it here" She looks around to see Stella, right next to Mouse. Cloud, farther away. She stands up and streches. She goes and takes a sip from the cool, rapid, water. She goes back to eat grass, waiting for the others to wake.

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