
Stella/ M.are/ M: Mouse, Cloud, Wonder Stella's head pops up, she feels a gentle salty breeze blowing from the nearby ocean. She slowly stretches and stands up. She looks over to see Mouse still sleeping, and, luckily, Cloud is, too. Stella walks over and dips her muzzle into the icy stream, taking long, refreshing drinks. When she is finished, she walks over to the meadow, and sees a strange brindle horse. She pins her audits and starts backing away, until she recognizes Wonder from the day before. she relaxes, and goes to graze near Wonder. I hope we can be friends, Stella thinks as she pulls up mouthfuls of fresh grass. She swished her plumage lazily, her warm brown orbs watching Wonder graze a couple feet away. ---------------------------- Cloud/ S.tallion/ M: Mouse, Cloud, Stella Waking up to the scent of green grass all around him, Cloud lifts up his head, taking in his surroundings. As he pulls his legs underneath him, he feels a sharp pain go through one of his front legs. He winces, remembering the fight he was in yesterday. Today should be better, he thought, hopefully. He looked up to see Stella and the brindle mare [Wonder] grazing in the meadow nearby. He looked over to Mouse, who was still sleeping. As quietly as possible, he walked over to the crystal stream, staying close. Cloud slowly slid into the freezing water, sighing in relaxation as the burning in his leg subsided. I will stay in the stream until Mouse wakes up, Cloud thought. He wanted as long as possible to cool down his leg, and he didn't want to upset Mouse by being found grazing with the mares.
Mouse| Stallion| Single| M: Stella, Wonder, Cloud Mouse wakes up to the sound of horses grazing. He opens his eyes and his orbs drift to where Cloud slept. When Mouse saw Cloud was not there, Mouse bolted up. Looking frantically, he full speed gallops to Stella. When he turns around, he relaxes. He sees Cloud in the stream. "Did you sleep well? Did Cloud do anything before I woke?" He asked Stella. He goes over to the stream where Cloud is standing. " I still don''t trust you, but are you injured badly?" If Mouse hadn't met Stella, he wouldn't be so sensitive. He loves that she showed him so many more things than to be angry and anxious all the time. Inside he thinks: 'please don't let her pick Cloud'
Wonder| M.a.r.e.| Single| M: Stella Wonder sees that Stella comes up next to her and wants to become friends. " So... do you know if Mouse or Cloud is single? I was eyeing Mouse but he seems into you. I saw that he looked at you a couple times in your sleep. So what about Cloud? Why don't you date Mouse? Hes cute and clumsy."

Stella/M.are/ M: Cloud, Wonder, Mouse Noticing Mouse coming toward her, Stella smiled happily, and swished her long, dark plumage. She blinked at him, amused at his worry. "Yes, I slept well, Mouse. I didn't even know Cloud was awake until now, he kept his distance." She comforted him, touching her muzzle to his. She then shook out her mane and continued to graze as Mouse walked over to where Cloud was soaking in the creek. -------------------- Cloud/S.tallion/ M: Mouse, Stella, Seeing Mouse trotting over, Cloud barely managed to stop himself from rolling his eyes. He forces his audits to remain in a neutral position, and waits for Mouse to approach him. Ugh, I can't believe he's being so defensive of Stella, Cloud thought in annoyance. He looked over Mouse's shoulder to where the two mares [Stella, Wonder] were grazing peacefully, occassionally flicking their tails in the gentle sunlight. Cloud begrudgingly drags himself out of the creek, saying "You don't have to trust me, you just have to tolerate me. I'm not exactly one who cares about being trusted, in case you haven't noticed," he said, trying to hide the annoyance creeping into his voice. He shakes out his wet coat, the small dewdrops covering his body making his coat shine like polish. "I'll try to stay out of your way, Mouse," Cloud begins, "but I my leg will take a little bit to heal, so I'll have to stay with your group for now." Cloud's coat twitches in his agitation. Cloud shakes out his mane, "Now, I'll just go eat for a little bit." he says, "if that's alright with you." With a flick of his tail, he trots over to graze near the mares, assuming it safe now that Mouse could watch him.

Stella/ M.are/ M: Mouse, Cloud, Wonder Stella is uneasily watching the exchange going on between Mouse and Cloud. She hears Wonder speaking. "Oh? yes, sorry, I was distracted," she says apologetically. "Do you really think Mouse is into me?" she asks shyly. She then shakes her head, and states "Sorry, I mean, they are both single. but I'd watch Cloud if I was you, he seems scary and hot-headed, I wouldn't even get close to him if I knew that Mouse wasn't around to protect me," she admits. She blushes slightly, embarrassed at how scared she is of the smallest things. Cloud would obviously never hurt her physically, he just wanted her to join the herd he was trying to build. And, luckily, Mouse was able to stop him.
Mouse| Stallio.n|Single| M: Cloud, Stella, Wonder Mouse got a little agitated when Cloud just trotted on over to the m.ares. Mouse relaxed when hen realized he would just be watching him. Mouse slowly cantered over to all the horse.s. He looked at Stella and relaxed his muscles so she wouldn't see him mad again. He came over and tried to not be worried. But Mouse still had one eye on Cloud. Mouse's plumage swung in the wind while his coat gleamed in the sun. He kept checking that Cloud wasn't getting too close. Mouse slowly kept closer to Stella. For her protection, and just because Mouse wanted to be around her. "Are you ok, Stella?"

 Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia If Taleia knew that Val would be after them, then they had to prepare, and they should wait for their enemy to arrive. It was no use if they went hunting for Val only to find out the other was on his way to find Taleia. They might as well stay put and Areus protect the cave where the mare would be. "Tal, when Val comes, I want you to stay here. I'll take care of everything else and make sure to save Diego, but please promise me that you'll stay in here." All Areus wanted was to make sure Taleia was safe. He didn't want her involved in the vicious fight that would soon come. The stallion nickered quietly to his mare, his nose lifting her head so he could gaze into her beautiful baby blues. He could see everything, her fear, her sorrow, her worry for her colt. All Areus wanted was to take her pain away and make her smile again, bu the only way to do that was win his fight against Val. "I'll protect you and Diego, I swear to you on my life."

Taleia l Female l Single l Mentions: Areus, Open
The mare stared onto Areus, fearing rushing around in her small brindle instant body. She never wanted his, but more then most she didn't want Areus to fight against Val knowing the results were going to leave dead, and likely it was going to be Areus. And that was her most fear, she loved the large paint to much to allow anyone to touch him, mare or stallion. Areus was hers and those words were good enough for her to treasure for life.
' ' ' Areus, im not promising you anything.. ' ' ' Taleia whimpered finding her hues trapped in a contest with Areus, but she wouldn't let them moving away, she wanted this moment to never end, but it was likely that it would forever... and ever... ' ' ' Areus please don't say that! ' ' ' The brindle whined as she didn't like that he would really but his life out for grabs for herself. Quickly pushing her muzzle out to touch his, a soft hum coming against her lips

Stella/ M.are/ M: Mouse, Cloud, Wonder Stella tensed slightly as she saw Cloud trotting over, but then relaxed as she saw Mouse right behind him. She moved closer to Mouse as he came nearer to her. She then lowered her head back down to continue grazing, every once in a while feeling a small breeze tickle her feathers. The wind stirred her main ever so slightly, and the fresh, sweet smell of flowers growing in the meadow flows into her nostrils. She gazed at Mouse in the soft light, grateful, like always, for his protective and comforting presense. -------------------------- Cloud/ S.tallion/ M: Mouse, Stella, Wonder Cloud is relieved that Mouse doesn't get agressive as he grazes along the other horses [Mouse, Stella, Wonder]. He looked at Stella, noticing the way she admired Mouse out of the corner of her eye. Why did I ever think I could get between them? he asked himself. But Mouse said they weren't mates, Cloud thought, confused. The light breeze lifted his plumage slightly, and he watched the horses around him, reading their body language. Mouse looked protective, but peaceful standing near Stella. Stella looked relaxed, but she occassionally looked at Cloud, an inkling of worry in her warm, brown orbs. He looked at the brindle mare [Wonder], wondering what her deal was. Mouse didn't seem to be as protective of her. Perhaps she'll be a good mare to start a herd with, he thought. All these mares offer so many opportunities, I just gotta quit blowing it, Cloud thought. Perhaps they want me to be more "emotional," and less head-strong. Cloud shook his head, like that's ever gonna happe, he thought with a small smirk. The only stallion he respected so far was Mouse, so he had plenty of room to be head-strong.
Mouse| Stallio/n| Single| M: Stella Mouse look over to Stella as he is grazing. Just admiring her. Her eyes , feathers, coat, color. He would be lost without her. As Cloud comes in closer, Mouse walks over Stella. Close enough to nip at her soft ears. WHich he happily does. His plumage swishing in excitment. He nips her a couple more times, signaling he wants to play. He trots into the creek, hoping she will follow. He starts to roll around in the icy water. The water is upto his shoulders. The spotted stallion flips his head in approval. Whilst raising his top lip.