She smiled "Yeah I guess you're right" She said quietly, her gaze flicking around
he pawed at the ground "when am i wrong" he joked with a nuzzle
Mystery put on a serious thinking face "hmm... Well" She started sounding like she was going to say what he's wrong about, then laughed "Nah alright, can't think of anything" she finally spoke
ghost tossed his head "seeeeee im always write" he joked nipping her gently
Mystery backed up "Yeah yeah alrights" She teased rolling her eyes before grazing
ghost grazed next to mystery swishing his tail happly he ploped down in a sandy area to roll
Mystery took a step back when Ghost rolled and laughed "Careful not to get that stuff on me! Its hard to completely get rid off that sand from my golden coat" she said lifting her back leg and itching her neck with it
ghost stood up and shook "how do you even tell it a part its almost the same color as you"ghost laughed then troted around her gently biting her mane
She smiled "I mean it gets stuck in my fur then gets all itchy" She said lowering her head and sniffing the sand, she jolted when Ghost nipped her mane "Oh you wanna play!?" She asked threateningly, she put her front right hoof out and tripped Ghost over then pranced away holding back a laugh
ghost got his footing back fast he ran to mystery and reared up "ok your on!' he ducked around her then playfuly niped her neck