
@Paint!!! <3 Hello Love, Welcome :D I see you figured out how to add Ro's Pic! ;) ----------------------------------------------------------- Comanche (Secretariat)| Male 3yrs| M: Delta, Open
Feeling the black undead ladys touch to his withers offered him comfort as he grinned warmly towards her, taking in her sweet sceant, his golden orbs seem to dance all over her features, she held his attention for sure and he was growing very found of her company. Audits flicked softly back, as he shurgged but soon allowed a reasurring smile to flash on his frame once more ''It's okay, I might not have known him but, every once in a while I can prey stories out of my mother'' his smile turned to a playfully devilish smirk.
The large man flesh, came to a pause as the next few words shocked his audits, raising a brow ''You're Kai's daughter?'' his tone was surprised yet soft. Golden orbs seemed to snake away from her, orbs looking out into the forest, then to the ground, he smriked devilsh once more 'intersting' he thought to himself. Shaking his neck, as his mane bounced before it landed flat once more, he turned his white frame to look at her again, audits perked as he soon watched her do a rear, he rolled his orbs playfully, with a playfully smirk he laughed ''Oh indeed you are very much so a show off but, it's cute'' he offered her a wink, as he coreased a gentle playful nip to her neck, before bobbing his head.
Hearing the roaring waters of the waterfall getting closer and closer by the minute, he grinned seeing the hole in the woods as the sun rays shinning all round the opening like at the end of a dark tunnel, ''Come on!'' he nickered as he kicked up a buck, and trotted down the narrow path, busting through the opening. Pluamge rose high and flicked, golden orbs seemed to widen at the beauty, the smell, the sounds as he couldn't help but, wait to see her face at the beauty he know seen before him. Glistening grey rockes seemed to outline a trail to the tops of the crystal blue waters, roaring water falling from the rocky cliff that found itself caved into a mountain wall that was hidden in the woods. Breeze blew against his pelt, sending his scent in a whirl around them, he couldn't stop smiling, he remembered this was like a waterfall his mother once spoke of that his sire took her two before he was born. Green lush grass was scattered with beautiful white flowers, a pool seemed to wade in at the bottom of the falls, perfect for swimming. An audit flicked back, as he turned his frame towards the black undead lady hoping she would be in just as awe as him. Edited at May 1, 2020 01:49 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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It took me a while to figure it out myself so i feel! DX Painted Perfection said: Ugh....its about time I got it to break the lines on the paragraphs and not block em all together... 😒 I dont like the new message box layout..)
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Lol yes I did XD it was a struggle in the least :3)

How about you scare the secret ;D I can only do it on accident. Whispering Wood Barn said: It took me a while to figure it out myself so i feel! DX Painted Perfection said: Ugh....its about time I got it to break the lines on the paragraphs and not block em all together... 😒 I dont like the new message box layout..)
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(So I guess this layout is new? Since I haven't been on for a while I haven't been keeping up with the updates. Hehe. I like it, you don't have to worry about make sure your de-code it before posting it.) Diablo | C | 3| Mentions: Leva The golden colts narrowed his eyes. "Leva, what a nice name for a pretty filly." Diablos looked at his mother. She gave a knowing smile before going back to eating.
"Fine, I will endure your antics for a little while." Diablo started off toward the river.
"Are you coming?" He asked her over his shoulder. The grass flattened as he walked up the side of the hill. He took the same route up the hill as she did coming down.
"Also, I don't understand why you act one way around the foals and another are the adults. Sooner or later your going to act the same around both. It might not be what you'd like." The colt said back to the filly.

Add < br > <br> with no spaces between each post to space them apart :D Arabian Heritage said: How about you scare the secret ;D I can only do it on accident. Whispering Wood Barn said: It took me a while to figure it out myself so i feel! DX Painted Perfection said: Ugh....its about time I got it to break the lines on the paragraphs and not block em all together... 😒 I dont like the new message box layout..)
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Rose in a Hurricane (Ro) | Mare | Almost 3yrs | Mentions: Comanche and Delta, Open
Ro looked up watching the other horses. Watching them playing and enjoying each other made her long for what they had. "It looks so fun..." She murmured to herself as she stood tall. A soft breeze tossed her mane and tail around. She had rolled in a bed of wildflowers earlier, giving her coat a beautiful sweet floral scent. The scent was carried away in the breeze towards the other horses. She watched Comanche and Delta playing around like two yearlings. Her orbits catching sight of the others as well. They would all one day find love and happiness. Something Ro longed to have herself. For now she would enjoy her time amongst the herd. Watching Comanche and Delta sneaking off She decided to follow them and see what they were up to. Maybe she might have a chance of them noticing her and then maybe they would talk to her. She took a couple hesitant steps. Slowly with her head down and audits pinned back shyly. She slowly made her way away from the herd and towards the way the two had disappeared off too. Sneaking off she followed the scent of the two horses until she found them. She looked at Comanche and Delta, mustering the courage to let out a faint nicker, "Hey", She said softly watching them. She doubted they would have even heard her soft squeak of a voice, and even if they had...what was the chance one of them would even pay attention to her. She was a nobody.
Edited at April 29, 2020 09:22 PM by Painted Perfection

Delta l Mare l 3yrs l Mentions: Comanche, Rose in a Hurricane, Open
Dell allowed a faint chuckled to escape her rosy muzzle as she flicked her audits around her own head catching the stud talk out about well more of mentioning his mare. ' ' ' I can sure pry sometimes into my own dams mind ' ' ' She smirked back to the large stud, quickly lashing him a wink.
As the black mare caught the stallion pausing a bit as it seemed more to her, she followed to the way he acted. Audits grabbing every word that Comanche had to say, ' ' ' Yeah, Seemingly so ' ' ' The black brood grumbled as she found herself side to side with the large and very muscled black frame. Watching his large golden fadded hues trail off from herself. Neck brushing back and forth in the wind as he seemed to carry it and allow it to fly around showing off its real beauty that live all around. ' ' 'Thanks, Your not to bad yourself ' ' ' The brood nodded to the strong framed stud jokingly as a large laugh chased off her soft pink blush that held strong. Neck shooting farther up at the feeling of Comanche's nip. ' ' Ay! Take it easy boy ' ' ' She chanted as a small smirk appeared onto her face, that she quickly hid away from himself deep into her soft chest
Dell's audits found there way twisting around trying to really study this sound that bothered them so, for it was really loud. and seeming so her audits were really sensitive to sound and the touch of others. But as she grew longer to the dreadful sound she soon reminded herself that it was the waterfall. Hearing the loud and soft sound of the water falling and bashing onto the rocks that lived below. Orbs drifting off to the black stud as she began to grow a large smile across her slender face. Quickly following what he a loudly and playfully told herself to do. Tracing after his sharp buck with a joyful neigh seeming to answer back to his nicker, As she quickly pounced out, legs stretching as far as they could reach as the land was blurred underneath herself. Seeing the light colored sunlight blind the trees orange leaves as she brushed past it, leaving the dew that was traced into it for her black coat to pick up, and carry. Then bursting after the deep colored stallion, her frame froze. ' ' ' Whoa... ' ' ' She exclaimed as her purple-ish gaze traced all along the water, it shimmered in her orbs like blue diamond that was living in the sunlight much. The water was sparking clean, and was even see through. It was almost jaw dropping to the deep colored mare for she had never found something so beautiful in her life before. Her halt was very firm, hooves digging into the hard grounded ground as she kept skimming over all the features that it held before herself to see, forgetting the stud was even there for a second. Water clashing down to the stunning gray rocks below, ' ' ' I-i-its Beautiful! ' ' ' The mare giggled as her halt transferred into a soft trot, as her rough nostrils picked up the scent of salt even though it seemed to be fresh water they had come upon. Hues fluttering in and out of the world in mortal shock of its amazing features, all thought as she drifted her frame up gently freeing to rub slightly to his pelt finding herself besides him, ' ' ' How did you find this? ' ' ' She calmly asked cocking her head over to him, standing it a very force position. Before caught off guard by a soft and high pitched voice that cooed behind herself.
Dell's orbs flashed away from the amazing sight for a second to lead back to a small filly seeming almost the age of Dell and Comanche themselves. ' ' ' Hello! ' ' ' Dell said as he long stranded mane flashed against her side of her own neck. Head still standing onto the little filly, before lashing back to the lively sight in front of herself Edited at April 29, 2020 09:07 PM by Cando Farm

Comanche (Secretariat)| Male 3yrs| M: Delta, Rose (Ro), Open
Golden orbs light up like fireflyies at Dell's reaction to everything, smiling as he watched her features bounce all over the scenes before turning his frame to do the same, it felt so magical such like a fairytal, he thought, nostrils flared as he took in a deep breathe, feeling the fresh mountain mixed air slap against his pelt, plumage swished over his flanks, audits perked as they focused on the cruching roars of the water, his orbs traced the outline of the waters, feeling his side jump at a soft tickle, he soon felt dell graze up against him and stood at his side.
He felt a bit of warm build on the inside of him at her touch, he rose his frame, as he turned to look at her hues, his golden orbs seemed to get drowned in their beautyas they glistened in the suns light, almost with awe, he nickered in amazement ''Purple eyes? Wow, beautiful, I never seen anything like that'' smiling ear to ear, he was almost so amazed by her crystal purple orbs more so than the beauty of clear blue waters, shaking his head back to reality with a huff, he chuckled deeply as he turned back to look at the waters, slowly making his way down to the calm pool that collected at the bottom of the falls, audits perked as his front hoofs slide into the cool waters, lowering his frame he took a sip, before pulling it out and up towards the black undead lady again at her question.
Droplets of water ran off his chin, as he smiled ''I snuck out a few nights ago just to get away from everything and I actually stumbled on it'' smirking as he held her gaze in an almost sweetly taunting way ''I hope you like swimming'' he rose a playful brow before, a peircing shreik of a greeting, rang in his orbs, almost startled the man flesh had let out a low bellow of warning, turning his rump towards the waterfall, orbs flashed to dell, before his golden hues soon focused on a nearby blurred vision of a bay painted undead lady, nostrils flared taking in the newcomers scent, he could tell she was from the herd, and he felt himself relax, offering a smile ''Hey'' he sweetly nickered in hopes he didn't fright the undead lady at his warning that slipped from his wet lips. He stood tall as the shy undead lady seemed to come in more closely, golden orbs trailed over her features once she came more into his line of sight. Pluamge flicked lazily at his side, as his hues shifted between the two equines, figuring she had followed them Edited at May 1, 2020 01:49 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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