
(it's ok) Sage didn't really want to open his eyes since that meant he had to see Chloe and know she didn't know him. And he'd have to act like he didn't know her.
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Chloe had soon fell asleep. She wanted to go back to the base. She'd ask tomorrow.

Sage did wonder what ghost and price had told Chloe about him. Did she know who he was? He didn't think so but he wasn't sure. She hadn't tried to talk to him. He didn't know what he wanted either.
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Chloe was still sleeping till she heard the door open. She jolted awake to see a nurse going to check on them. She watched the stars for a while.

Sage heard the nurse come in, since he still couldn't sleep, but he kept his eyes closed to fake it anyway. He didn't want to deal with her. She shook him though, so he opened his eyes to scowl at her. She explained they'd have to do more tests...something was wrong internally, yadda yadda yadda. He didn't care, so he just cursed and shoved her away, sitting up and tearing the tubes that helped him breathe off and struggling to sit up, probably being loud but he didn't care. He was leaving. The nurse was saying something about how he'd die in some nasty way, but he just ignored her. He was tired of this. All of it.
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Chloe sat up. She looked at sage "I don't think that's a good idea" Chloe said as she looked at the nurse and sage. She couldn't wait till tomorrow when she could leave.

Sage sort of scowled and waved her off, not really caring about it all. "Don't care," he sort of wheezed breathlessly, not fully catching his breath now that he was unhooked from everything. If she really wanted him to stay he probably would give in, but right now he just wanted out.
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Chloe didn't get what this dudes problem was. "Oi sit down" she said sternly at sage. "There just trying to do there job" she looked at sage for a moment before turning to watch the stars again

Sage sort of heasitated when CHloe's voice turned stern, and by then more doctors had come into the room since the machine was beeping sicne he'd unhooked it. He fought them of course, but that just earned him a tube shoved down his nose to hook the machine back up. His nose was bleeding by then, but they'd been rather quick to use restraints, so once they felt he sort of just deflated on the bed, unable to even wipe the blood off him.
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Chloe watched the doctors but hated when they got the restraints and made him bleed. "Hey your ment to be doctor's and nice to your patients" Chloe said before going on her phone to text someone