
Sage dimly heard Chloe and the doctor's short response...something about needing him to calm down so they could do surgery. He sort of scowled and then gave up when the emotion cost more energy than what he had. So he just sort of lay there.
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Chloe had texted ghost telling him that they'd need someone to keep an eye on the doctors around sage. Ghost and soap had soon arrived to keep an eye on things.

Sage had heard them come in a while later but he didn't really register it. He sort of just kept staring at the wall, breathing getting increasingly ragged until the doctors eventually showed up to knock him out and do the surgery.
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Ghost stopped the doctors "either me or the Sargent will have to come into the operating room" ghost said. The doctors understood and soap went in with sage. Chloe looked at ghost. "Thanks" she said.

Sage wasn't aware of what happened after they put the anesthesia down the tube in his nose and he passed out. But, they wheeled the cart down to the operating room and pointed to where soap could stand and then started the surgery. They had to open his chest up and fix the lung that was still giving them issues and was still bleeding and such
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Soap had a camera on him that showed the base and ghost what was happening. Soap stood there professionally. He still hoped sage would be ok.

The doctors worked on him for a couple of hours before they finished and closed him up again and brought him back to his normal room. He was still in restraints even though he was out cold.
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Soap stood outside the room while ghost inside (sorry short I gtg to work)

(no worries) Sage was still out for a while, since they'd given him a lot of aesthetics. He slowly came too though, but everything hurt so by then he sort of wished he'd stayed asleep.
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Chloe had been discharged. She felt bad for the other dude. "Bye sage" she said as she walked out with ghost to go home