
He nodded in response and let out a sort of heavy breath. "so you remember me then," he mused, resting his head against the wall tiredly.
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Chloe nodded and went back to her phone

Sage was quiet for a moment before opening his eyes and looking back over at her before sighing slightly. "what do you remember," he asked. She could remember him, but not their relationship. Maybe that would be better. Maybe it would be worse. She didn't seem to care to much about him....he just didn't know.
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"I don't know" I remember you, everything about you just not any past feelings or what happened for me to end up like this" she explained. She saw ghost walk in.

Sage nodded in response to her comment and grunted. "One of your horses spooked and you hit your head," he told her. "Then you forgot a bunch of stuff." He didn't mention that they had admitted their love to eachother, though...it would be better that way
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Chloe looked at him "I thought it was something to do with the military" she said with a shrug

He shook his head and shrugged. "You were taking a break I think. You wanted to come home for a bit. Visit someone." She'd been visiting him, but she didn't have to know that.
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chloe listened closley, "visiting who?" she asked whoever it was she couldnt remeber them much

Sage was quiet for a moment before shrugging. "A friend," he said. She'd feel bad if she'd forgotten aboytriend and she knew it. "I'm not sure exactly who...I was just nearby when you fell."
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Chloe sighed kinda sadly. "Ok" she said and got up "I have to take chaos home now" she said again before leaving