
Sage stayed asleep for most of the night after that, glad for some good rest
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Pippa looked at sage and ghost asleep, the sun rose and she had to do her rounds. After she'd seen everyone she stayed with an old lady. The lady was over joyed to see a horse as she was stuck in hospital. Pippa stayed with the woman till she passed then she nickered softly as to say goodbye and a nurse came in. Pippa always stayed near people soon to pass it was like her gift to know when they'll pass

Sage woke up eventually, and patted chaos, who was still by the bed. He noticed ghost still there and let out a sort of breath, wondering what he was doing here. He doubted it was because he cared much about him.
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Pippa trotted around the rooms all day. All people could hear was the noise of her feet hitting the tiles

Sage sort of used chaos to help him get up and moving for a bit, even though it still hurt. But he still had to change and use the bathroom and such. He wondered what chloe was doing. If she even wondered about him. If she remembered anything more.
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Chloe had been locked in her room and not let out so she wouldn't over do it. She banged on the door before looking through her phone. She saw sages number and decided to send a text. ghost was unaware that soap and price had locked Chloe in her room. But he had a funny feeling when she didn't show up for dinner

Sage sort of just lay around stroking chaos tiredly. He heard his phone buz and picked it up with a sigh and wince since it still hurts to move. He saw it was Chloe so he actually responded.
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Chloe sat in her room doing nothing but texting sage.

Sage heasitated before responding but he did miss her, a lot, so he decided to chat with her for a bit
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Chloe was happy bro be talking to sage, she felt a strange feeling she'd never felt before, it was like she had little butterflies fluttering around in her stomach