
Rose in a Hurricane (Ro) | Mare | almost 3yrs | Mentions: Comanche and Delta, Open The young mare looked up at Delta with a soft smile. Her blue orbs dancing slightly with excitement. She was noticed!! Even if it was only for a split second. The mare actually spoke to her! Ro's audits stood up alert with hope and excitement, her head raising with the slightest bit of confidence. That was until....Comanche startled her. The young stallions warning caught the young mare by surprise and she jumped backwards almost tripping over her own back hooves. She ducked down and her ears pinned flat to the sides of her head. She looked up at him shyly and blushed slightly. "Hi." She said before her gaze turned upon the gorgeous waterfall behind them. "Woah!" She said in an almost excited whisper. She walked over to the waters edge where she dipped her head to drink the cool crystal spring water. Her tail flicking about from side to side. "Sorry I bothered you both...." She said quietly. "I can leave if you want? I promise I won't tell anyone where you ran off too either." Ro looked at the young mare and stallion questionably.
Edited at April 29, 2020 09:46 PM by Painted Perfection

Delta l Mare l 3yrs l Mentions: Comanche, Rose, Open
The mare's attention lashed back forward to the amazing sight, for everywhere she looked water trickled from it. Allowing her soft gaze to feel like it was in haven. Softly smiling as a step towards the water beneath herself was found to be much comforting. Feeling the sweeping breeze that the water falling down from the rough and tough rocks from above, It finally being created as it touched down to what shadowed below.
Dell's audits flicked back to the small painted filly as Comanche seemed to find her. Softly flicking her neck over to the large stallion, chuckle slipping from the deep shallow call of her muzzle stepping around once more. Audits well perked up to the small filly, admiring her beautiful colors and markings that she had owned. But she was a shy fello, and oh Dell's teasing side would love to take over and push the mare around. But.. She could resit, at least for a bit. Plumage flicking in the way that the stallion's frame stood, Before pushing her head out to the filly who backed up from there large body's but she was really hoping that they didn't frighten her by much. Before cocking her black pelted head a bit to the mare in confusion. ' ' ' Who ever told you, that you couldn't hang out? ' ' ' The brood winked down to the paint shortly towering her. Before bumping into Comanche's front wither on purpos ' ' ' Thats fine with us, right Comanche?? ' ' ' She said in a sharp tone, raising a sharp eye brow to him like he only had one answer, and that was to agree with herself

Comanche (Secretariat)| Male 3yrs| M: Delta, Rose (Ro), Open
Blurred hues, watched the painted undead lady come in closer as she approached the pool of glistening waters, near him, turning his body to give her some space, his golden orbs trailed over her painted little pelt, studying her for a moment, he figured she was new to herd that or he just didn't much pay attention, then again he can't see much in the distance. Rolling his owns orbs at the thoughts in his mind, he grimsed before his aduits perked at Rose's question, tilting his frame, he went to speak but, soon was cut off by Dell.
Turning his frame to meet Dell's their muzzle almost touching, as she nudge his side, huffing he shot her a grumbled sour expression with pinned audits, though he soon shook of his sourness as he sighed, orbs rolling again playfully as the words from the black undead lady was so...... temepting. But, if he didn't want to lose his jewels he had no choice. Feeling himself, pull at the thought of being so wrapped up in Dell's antics but, he couldn't help it, shifting his weight, his golden orbs locked to hers, then shifted to the painted undead lady clearing his throat ''Of Course'' he smiled warmly towards Rose. Before, softly pushing Dell off him, his plumage flicked towards her rump, chuckling deeply to himself, as his orbs cut sharp back to the waters, as he turned his large body, and waded some into the pool. A chill ran down his spine, as the water rose slightly up with each step, before he knew the man flesh was content soaking in the waters that rose up to his chest, lowering his frame down some, as his long mane seemed to sink in the waters grasp, taking a sip before lifting up once again to peer over at the undead ladys, droplets of water ran down his mane, over his thick shoulders and neck every so handsomely, golden orbs becking a teasing glare towards the black undead lady, with a crooked smirk forming at the corner of his muzzle. Edited at May 1, 2020 01:48 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Rose in a Hurricane (Ro) | Mare | almost 3yrs | Mentions: Comanche and Delta, Open
Ro looked back at them from drinking from the water. "Are you sure? It's not like anyone ever notices me back at the herd anyways. I doubt anyone even noticed I'm gone.." She said. "I just don't want to get in the way or bother anyone." She said pinning her ears back shyly. Her bright blue orbs flicking back to the mare and stallion. She had her suspicions about the two being up to something but nonetheless she followed suit. She just wanted friends and to eventually get to the courage to talk to the one stallion she looked to with admiration. Ro gave the two a faint smile before taking a couple steps in the water. She closed her eyes happily wading in. Her tail hit the water and trailed behind her gently. "I haven't swam since my mom was here.." She relaxed just standing there quietly humming with her eyes closed and enjoying the cool water against her long beautiful white legs.
Edited at April 29, 2020 11:59 PM by Painted Perfection

Delta l Mare l 3yrs l Mentions: Rose, Comanche, Open
Dell was very sharp minded as she found herself dearly close to the stallions soft muzzle. Quickly doing what more of Dell was, and snorted out onto the white framed stud's muzzle. Dell's soft painted hues got caught up into Comanche's as he rolled his tough stinging orbs around to her, Audits perking up as the large stud seemed to complain. Lashing her plumage out she chuckled over to the paint mare seeing the stud was being playful. Quickly stepping besides the amazingly colored paint, lowering her head to reach Rose's audits. ' ' ' Sorry about him.. ' ' ' The black brood grumbled as Comanche lowered himself into the water, coat quickly damping to it's wet surroundings. As a small smirk was found to lay onto her face sight lashing out towards his more then stunning black lightly mixed in with white coat. Before pacing her soft purple gaze back into Rose's. ' ' ' Comanche is well... Comanche ' ' ' She nodded as a delightful and wondering neigh quickly escaped the mare's rosy pink-ish, Head quickly popping in with black muzzle, Quickly nickering to him that she was coming on in after himself, at full speed that her legs would allow. Knees allow to bellow out high as he cantered along the short rock line, Firmly halting as she reached where Comanche had enter, pushing off of her back legs and reaching the front out to paw the dry air. But it didn't last long before the black 3 year old came splatting down into the water. Creating a large wave that bushed down the river quickly, very much disturbing the animals that lived and care from under themselves.
The water quickly rushed a freezing chill to bounce up and down her bony spine, as she flicked her audits around, mostly to the stallion that stood before herself, allowing her thick and damp matted mane to reach out to his, Nipping it with a lively nicker, tossing the head high seeming to shed the water that clinged on so tight to her pelt back into the water. As she bounced past the other mare that stood seeming to stand out a bit, but not really seeming so to Dell. Just waiting, waiting for him to come bouncing after her to nip her again, and hoping that the paint would join in on the foal-ish fun

Sweet! Leva | Mare | 2yr | M: Diablo Leva politely smiled once last time to the mare before following the colt back up the hill. Her audits pricked at the colt's words, sparking her interest. "You're an observant one, arent you?" She smirked, meeting his pace as they walked briskly. "It's just called being polite. Sure, I'm little more playful with the younger ones, but it's not like I'm that different." She answered questioningly. "You make it sound like I'm a devil or something." She chuckled, nudging his flank and then picking up her pace. Her head swung back over her shoulders, giving him a playfull look. "Well come on now." She smiled, taking her turn to rush him along. The water was cold as it splashed against her white pelt, making her glimmer in the sunlight. She stood in the middle, lowering her dished head down into the current moving past her legs for a long sip. her eyes found Diablo as he caught up and she flicked her plummage; water that clung to the ends of the long strands flying in his direction. "So why do you keep to yourself?" She asked suddenly. "Scared to make friends?"
Edited at April 30, 2020 01:03 AM by Arabian Heritage
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 Diablo | C | 3 | Mentions: Leva Diablo smirked at the mare, she definitely knew how to get what she wants. "You have to be in a herd like this. Plus who else is going to study each individual horse and make sure to know how they act so if they start acting differently you know what is wrong." The golden colt picked up the pace easily keeping up with the white filly ahead of him. His steps grew faster, but quite, as if he was floating. Diablo learning this trick from his mom, always keep your feet light. The brisk cold water splashed onto his coat. The water seeped down onto his skin making the cold shudder and shake. The water rushed passed his legs cooling them off from the trek up the hill. Diablo watched the filly, pink skin showing from under her white coat. He couldn't stop himself from looking at her, she was captivating. "No, stop." the colt shook his head and perked his ears up as she spoke. It was indeed sudden, especially since he was not expecting her to ask it. "I just don't see the point in the childish games you and the others play. And last time I made a friend she ended up dead." Diablo fell silent remembering the horrid sight. Edited at April 30, 2020 09:58 AM by December Snow Stable

Hey guys, just an FYI, I might not be online as much at night like 7pm and after starting tonight. I am starting to work small shifts again to get money up for extra funds for me and my husband's honeymoon cruise in August, but I should be online still the same morning-6:30pm :) Just a little heads up but that's for only during the week. <3 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Comanche (Secretariat)| Male 3yrs| M: Delta, Rose (Ro), Open
Golden orbs watched softly as he watched the black undead lady head over to the painted one, his frame tilted some, suspecious with a brow raised at all the whispering. Rolling his hues, he lowered his frame back down for a dink, his hues focusing on how clearly he could see his legs through the waters, but, with no warning as an ear flicked hearing thuds, soon as he lifted his large frame, as the black blurr got closer, he squinted his hues befoer they wided. 'oh no' he thought. Audits pinned, hues closed as he gritted his teeth as a large rush of water echoed causing a massive wave to form over their heads and crashed down.
Cold water rushed over his entire body, making a shock go down his spine, water trickled down his frame, and sides of his body, his thick wet forelock was a tangeled mess as it covered his entire eye sight, flicking his audits as droplets ran down them, grunting he huffed, his white frame turned to meet Dell's. Audits pinned, face had soured as a golden orbs peered out at her through his forelock. Shaking his body free of the water as his forelock clung wet to the side of his frame, mane clung to his neck, the water making it shine in the rays of the sun.
Almost pouting out a lip, as his grump frame stared at Dell, with a 'really?' expression. He soon rolled his orbs playfully, soon allowing a deep chuckle to escape his muzzle, watching the black undead lady giggle, as his golden orbs locked to her purples, he smirked ''Thanks for that'' he grunted, but feeling a soft nip to his neck, as the black undead lady speed out into the shallows of the water, she had fled past the painted undead lady, bouncing around with such glee. Gold hues, looked to Rose, a sweet grin formed as he flashed it her way before, his hues locked to the teasingly playful orbs of Dell. Giving a bob of his large frame, his orbs narrowed playfully at the black blurr in the distance ''Oh, I am going to get you for this!'' he warned playfully, bounding into the shallows of the water, hoofs thudding as water plashed over his ankels with each step, wet plumage and mane flagging as he chased after the black undead lady, laughing as he soon caught up to her, with a sneak smirk, and playfully up to no good hues, he lashed out a small nip to her rump, frame quickly through up into the air incase her back legs lashed out, forcing himself to go faster, he quickly dug his hooves into the ground making a tilled up mess before turning like a barrel horse and blasted off in the opposite direction, letting out a happy nicker, he eyed Rose as he sped past her grinning as he looked back to see if Dell could keep up with him. Edited at May 1, 2020 01:48 PM by Whispering Wood Barn
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Take your time Whispy! : )
Delta l undead lady l 3yrs l Mentions: Comanche, Rose
Dell felt the soft chuckles of her voice rumbled from her deep raven black chest. Feeling the fresh and clear pearly water that she had caused much commotion in the clean water. Mind stained on the look Comanche had gave herself, knowing he was only joking around with her for he was a very playful and stubborn colt. His stunning black and white frame caught at the side of her large hues. Knowing he had accepted the play invite that Dell had offered to himself with a nip to the damp neck he owned.
The filly's soft placed purple orbs softly pacing over to the black stud as he caught up to herself. Hooves slowly slowing trying to loose the male in a the playful state her large frame began to crawl into. Plumage lashing over her back hunches as the pale did their job, pulling up the ground, tossing the grass behind herself along with the damp muddy ground that stained her lower legs.
Feeling a nip down to her rump, caused her natural instincts to kick out one of her hooves out towards the black stud in a playful manner, Before quickly lashing her neck up and down. Soft and silky mane flowing and bouncing in the wind like a toy. Quickly keeping her fast pace to a must, but watching the stud turn and slid to a stop caused her to follow. Pushing her hooves deeply into the rocky earth ground that stood still beneath her own feet. ' ' ' Hey! ' '' The black brood shouted with playful aggression out towards the colt that bursted away from her black frame, but it wasn't long until she followed along with her own frame tracing his foot steps. Orbs pin pointed onto his self as she gained more of a pace into her legs. Birds called around herself, allowing her audits to greet their lively calls, but another sound interrupted them, it was the lovely sound of water clashing against the lower class rocks, below the water that already swallowed them whole in the lake that stood besides themselves, Plumage lashing out to find itself to mark up against a old evergreen. Orbs bashing back to grab the tree before her soft nostrils were able to pick up the bitter smell that the tree seemed to own. But as the smell came to play with her nose,Dell's softly colored gaze shot back up onto the stud that dashed away from her solid black frame Edited at April 30, 2020 11:26 PM by Cando Farm

Rose in a Hurricane (Ro) | undead lady | almost 3yrs | Mentions: Comanche and Delta
With a slight giggle Ro looked up at Delta and nodded. "I see." She smiled softly. The young undead lady watched the two playing around. Her blue orbs dancing like wildfire with excitement. When the two weren't looking Ro snuck closer to Comanche. Then took off like lightning after the man flesh. In her own attempts to play and join in she decided to team up with Delta.
A sudden burst of red and white came in hot beside Comanche before sliding to a stop and kicking up a ton of water in almost a tidal wave. The water completely drenched the man flesh making Ro giggle. "Got ya!" She took off again heading toward the black undead lady before she could get caught herself. The cool water splashed up over the painted undead lady as she tried to get away from Comanche. It was such a beautiful day out too, and Ro was finally enjoying herself and opening up to other zombie army. "I can't believe they actually like me....I can't believe I'm actually playing with other zombie army! This is so much fun!!!" Ro laughed coming to a stop, standing near Delta waiting for Comanche to draw closer to the two undead ladys. Keeping her eyes on the man fleshs Ro whispered back to Delta, "Don't apologize. Besides, he can't help himself. Most man fleshs can't when they are around pretty undead ladys right?" She teased looking back at the man flesh and smirking slightly. Edited at May 1, 2020 10:05 AM by Painted Perfection