
 Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia, Diego Areus leaned back to momentarily study Taleia's scrunched features. He could tell something was off and worry caused his gut to clench and a bitter taste filled his mouth. If it was pain or worry or some other emotion, the stallion could only sense it, and when Taleia struggled to stand, his concerns were confirmed. "Tal, what's wrong?" The painted stallion caught Taleia before the brindled mare collapsed to the ground, attempting to keep her from hurting herself if she fell. After all, the foal needed to be protected as well. His ears pinned flat against his skull, his worry only worsening as Taleia's breathing became labored. What am I supposed to do? How do I help her? I don't even know what's going on...His thoughts were like a whirlwind, consuming all of his senses, preventing him from thinking clearly. All he felt was the sick feeling of worry clawing at the inside of his stomach. Tal...please be okay.

Taleia l Mare l Mentions: Areus, Diego, Open Taleia tried to keep herself calm once more, For it wasnt good for herself to stress out. Closing her soft hues, her light audits picked up onto Areus, starting to notice her struggle, And from his tone he surely knew something was off about herself also. But also at the same time if the paint stud got worried or scared for herself then it would stress herself. The mare and the stallion were like one, anything that would hurt Taleia would hurt Areus it just seemed so and that was the hard part for the brindle herself.
' ' ' It'll be alright Areus.. Ill be alright.. But it seems your foal is just wanting to see you.. ' ' ' She calmly cooed into his audits, her voice smooth and calming as the colt kept to a steady sleep besides her put Areus was still stressed from his odd look. She nipped onto his withers showing she was alright, as Taleia laid to her side one by one flaring with whining of the brindle's pain

 Areus | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Taleia, Diego The foal...? Taleia was going to give birth today? Areus blinked in shock as the young mare nipped at his withers, nuzzling her cheek when he heard her whine of pain. It worried him; he'd never had a mate before, let alone one who was giving birth. It made him uncertain as to what he should to, how he could help Taleia if she was going to give birth to the foal. Or he could just be overreacting and the foal was simply moving around. "It's wanting to see me...?" A gentle smile tugged at the corners of his muzzle as his gaze shifted to Diego who continued to doze against Taleia's side. He carefully used his nose to bring the colt into side to give the mare some space to relax. "What can I do to help, Tal?"

Taleia l Mare l Mentions: Areus, Open
Her sides flaring up, her one leg squirmed around and bashed into Areus side in much force. Audits laying back to her head it began to get very hard to breath as every breath she took it trying to stay settle. ' ' ' Who-o wouldnt wanna see that handsome face? ' ' ' She smiled voice shuddering as a weak whine squeaked out from her muzzle. Head tossing up, thick mane getting tossed back once more. Taleia couldnt lay anymore, ' ' ' Areus.. I need you to stay calm alright love? ' ' ' She spatted out quickly as another scream of pain. Was back into the air, as Taleia finally got back to stand the struggle was hard but she needed to get out of that cave. It wasnt good for her to just lay there.

Ahh, sorry I was camping and had to service, I should have a response by tomorrow morning

No worries lol I'm going backpacking this weekend XD
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Hey sorry we ended up camping for 5 days with no service then we went to the lake today and I've just been super busy.


Okay, um. This is a lil' awkward, but I miss this RP. I would like to create a character. Is that alright? I'm going to go ahead and do it, but I can always delete my character if instructed to do so : ) ~~~~~ Name: Shaded Sunshine Nickname: Shade Gender: mare Age: 3 Personality: Shade is intelligent, confident, curious, and kind. She is nice to most horses, but she won’t hesitate to snap if you get on her nerves. Shade depends on herself, and can sometimes have trouble trusting other horses. She loves to be free, and hates feeling trapped or stuck. This girl has a fiery streak for sure, but she’ll only show it when horses get on her nerves. Her patience is limited, but she definitely has it. This girl isn’t crazy for stallions, but she would like to find someone she feels safe around, who can be her friend and soulmate (yes, she just might be a hopeless romantic). Shade’s sky blue eyes always seem to have a twinkle in them. Whether is happiness, curiosity, wonder, or playfulness is a mystery, but that spark is almost always there. Looks: a pearly coat, white head and legs, sky blue eyes that look deep blue in most lighting, strawberry mane, strawberry and white mixed tail, pinkish muzzle, 16 hh/ 5’4”. Likes: kind and intelligent horses, humor, playing, meeting new horses, exploring the world, foals Dislikes: being considered weak, being doubted, being ignored, feeling trapped, rude or stupid horses Backstory: Shade doesn’t really have a backstory. The story is simply that she snuck away from her old herd because she didn’t feel as if she belonged with them. She wanted to see more of the world. Edited at June 28, 2020 02:34 PM by Woodland Dream

Shade// 3// single// Mare// M: Rowan, Storm Shade trotted through the shadowy forest, relishing the gentle breeze that flowed through her mane as she kept up a quick pace. Her blue audits looked around, hoping to find something of interest, yet, she simply found more trees, leaves, and shrubs. This is so boring, she thought. She hadn't seen another horse in weeks, and the closest thing had been a deer she'd seen a few days ago. The deer had run away when Shade tried to approach it, though. She heard a nearby stream, and walked towards the sound. There were all kinds of critters near streams, right? Besides, she was thirsty. Finding the stream, she followed it into a large meadow and dipped her muzzle into the cool waters, taking in large, refreshing gulps. She lifted her head, detecting salt in the air. There must be a beach nearby. Shaking out her mane, Shade jumped across the stream and galloped into the forest once again. Hearing nothing, she became bored, and her galloping pace was slowly exhausting and overheating her. She slowed to a canter, then trot, and then a walk. Walking through the trees, she followed a vague path that looked as if it had been walked before. Shade came upon a cove, and she gratefully dipped her muzzle in the water, which cooled her down somewhat. She then heard something, voices. Shade looked up, seeing a chimera stallion talking to a sandy gray stallion a little ways in the distance. She pinned her ears, backing further into the shadows as she watched them, flicking her tail at the occasional fly.