
He is getting there hahah XD
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SALLY/MARE/SINGLE/ SALLY opened her hues, somehow when she passed out she landed half in the water. Atleast her head was by the shore she thought with a sigh. But now she couldn't remember what was motivating her to move forward the direction she was heading. In fact after a thought she almost laughed she probably was a sad sight to see no memories no drive to move on any longer. Yet she still struggled to her hooves and limped to shore only to fall in the shade below a tree, looking around she snickered a laugh atleast she has food and water she thought nipping on some grass as she laid there. Her hues caught sight of her ribs she remembered seeing malnourished horses who looked this way. Blinking away a tear the mare shook her head and ate some more. Maybe she could make this place her home, after all she didn't know why she wanted to keep going she didn't remember snorting she closed her hues to sleep. Edited at October 1, 2020 08:32 PM by Magical wings
(I'm not sure how to put an image here so I will put a link: https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=22091103 I know the horse here is a gelding but just use the image. I hope it works) Incendiary continued to follow the stream and the grass was growing greener with every step. Soon she was out of the desert and in her dream landscape, a bright green valley with mountains looming over it, a rainbow of flowers dotting the ground. With every day that passed her eyes became healthier, her coat shone more than diamond's and she became faster. Rising from her deep sleep, Incendiary ate a little and took of at a gallop up from the valley and into the open plains. She tensed, she had noticed a herd, so she walked over to join it and after introducing herself to the black stallion leading it she was welcome. (Sorry it's short will try to make another much longer one)
(I'm not sure how to put an image here so I will put a link: https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=22091103 I know the horse here is a gelding but just use the image. I hope it works) Incendiary continued to follow the stream and the grass was growing greener with every step. Soon she was out of the desert and in her dream landscape, a bright green valley with mountains looming over it, a rainbow of flowers dotting the ground. With every day that passed her eyes became healthier, her coat shone more than diamond's and she became faster. Rising from her deep sleep, Incendiary ate a little and took of at a gallop up from the valley and into the open plains. She tensed, she had noticed a herd, so she walked over to join it and after introducing herself to the black stallion leading it she was welcome. (Sorry it's short will try to make another much longer one)
(I'm not sure how to put an image here so I will put a link: https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=22091103 I know the horse here is a gelding but just use the image. I hope it works) Incendiary continued to follow the stream and the grass was growing greener with every step. Soon she was out of the desert and in her dream landscape, a bright green valley with mountains looming over it, a rainbow of flowers dotting the ground. With every day that passed her eyes became healthier, her coat shone more than diamond's and she became faster. Rising from her deep sleep, Incendiary ate a little and took of at a gallop up from the valley and into the open plains. She tensed, she had noticed a herd, so she walked over to join it and after introducing herself to the black stallion leading it she was welcome. (Sorry it's short will try to make another much longer one)
Sorry I posted three times didn't mean to

Lambo | Stallion | Single | Mentions: Open Lambo had his work cut out for him, the winds were blowing in different directions grabbing his attention as he seemed to be pacing in large circles with out noticing such a thing on his own behalf. He'd lost his sister a few miles back somewhere over a month ago to a stud who'd go by, Asser who in the hell knows! She'd leave only with him, in a knowing a foal was soon to arrive but Taleia would be alright, right? Tail flagging in the hash wind storm that seemed to die down in the last few hours. But it still whipped around twigs and other things as he passed on into the morning haze. Weak lower legs as the white stallion patched up with a bit of black fell to the ground below. The brown mud caking around his body and in his large bloody cuts that had already drained themselves so from the time walking and wondering.

@Red Star You just copy the HEE horse image and paste :)
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SALLY/MARE/SINGLE/MENTIONS: LAMBO? finally SALLY had enough strength to stand, her only problem she still looked like a skeleton horse with many wounds. Shaking her matted mane she snorts weakly, having thought she heard something, the petite weak mare struggled to walk forward following the this she had heard a while ago, shaking her head she thought of many outcomes, many dangers she could be walking head on to. But she couldn't remember if she had a reason to live any longer do either way she was ok and would be at peace if she did die. Yet as she turned a bend her hues widened seeing what appeared to be a stallion passed out or dead she couldn't tell until she walked closer and seen the small rise and fall of hid flank. Lowering her muzzle to nudge the stallion she wondered why he seemed so familiar yet he was a stranger to her right? Then again with no memories she couldn't tell. "Sir?" She finally spoke voice weak almost a whisper nudging him again. Slowly she gathered moss and walked to the lake dipping the moss in she walked to the stallion (lambo) again dabbling at his wounds to clean them. Then walked away a few feet finally collapsing her legs no longer able to hold her up, then her world was dark again in a forced sleep her body made her take.

Lambo - Stallion - Single - Mentions: Sally, Open
Lambo had been out cold for a while, as his body perhaps became one with the mud. But something soothing over his cuts and some much cleaning up and it felt good. But who'd do such a thing when all is hopeless expensively for the young stud who was unknown mostly around these parts. But as a hue was opened he caught a sight of a snooty mare cleaning out his wounds. Slowly grasping to the muddy ground he'd stood watching her weak body fall to the ground that poor mare that helped him seeming not to wish for any help back. Trotting up pink hooves clatting and sinking deep down caked mud more to the lower legs. Looking over her body and towering it as he felt much terrible. Nudging the weak mares neck hoping she was still alive