phantom saw her "dont drink from that!" he yelled. he would show her the waterfall later
Mystery raised her head, her vision going blurry, she turned frantically when she heard someone call, her vision cleared for now and she smiled relieved to see Phantom "Geez you scared me!" The golden mare laughed walking a few feet closer to Phantom "I thought you were a random horse for a minute" She looked him up and down "Are you okay? You disappeared so I came to find you" She said softly, she looked down "I don't want to lose you again..." She half whispered
"Did you drink from the stream?" He asked quickly. He hoped she hadn't. He looked at her waiting for her reply
okie walked off and laid down to rest
Mystery turned her head and looked at the stream, her heart quietly began to race, because if Phantom was worried he had a reason. She calmed her heart rate and looked at him lowering her head a little "Yes, only for a minute or so.... Why?" She asked looking at him trying not to look concerned
Phantom shook his head "there's arsnic in the water I need to take you to the strange stable" phantom explained
Mystery's head shot back "Stable? I can't! I have a herd to look after..." Mystery said sounding scared, she looked around then took a step in Phantom's direction assuming he wouldn't take no for a answer. But then the blurry vision came back, Phantom's frame went fuzzy, and her voice turned faint "Ph-Phantom...? I... Feel..." Before she could finish her sentence Mystery's eyes rolled back and she lost her step and fell, her whole body turning numb as she lost consiousness
phantom picked mystery up and took her to the stables. he alearted the humans and they got to work
Mystery woke up in a stall with a few humans, at first she was freaking out, but didn't want to hurt the people so she lay still breathing heavily, she looked around for Phantom and nickered
Phantom was out in the feild grazing he heard the nicker and jumped the fence to go to mystery