
Sage slid underneath the bridge and leaned against the wall. He heard something and cocked his head, and then ducked as a knife went past his head. There was a man there who looked crazy, and sage stepped back a step, reaching for his dagger. The man lunged, and sage parried, the man's knife hitting his side but not deep enough to cause a stab wound. Sage gasped in pain and made a quick thrust to eliminate the man, and the man staggered backwards before running into the woods and collapsing. Sage sighed and sat down and started to sew his side up since it was a deep cut.
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lisa got up and walks back inside and it the dinnning room she didn't see sage around but the girls was talking in the kitchen lisa sighed and said " i wish he had stay it look like it is about to ran" lisa walks to a window and looks out side before seeing people coming in
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Sage finished sewing up his side and sat back with a wince. He was dizzy and it hurt, but he was alive. He didn't really know whether that was good or bad. A thunderclap sounded and it started to rain, and Sage huddled in the bridge corner with sigh. It would be another long, sleepless night.
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lisa and the other girls got to work feeding and givng them cloths then once everything was done and people was gone the close up for the day lisa try to jog home but couldn't because she twisted her foot and she limp home and when she made it she unlocks the door and goes in before she could close it her old Ex boyfriend showed up and said " i saw you limping are you okay" and lisa sighed and said " leave me alone "
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Sage decided to wander around town since he was already wet. He stood up and walked for a few minutes before his side was screaming at him to stop. He hissed in pain and annoyance and went back to the bridge slowly before collapsing on the grass. He sighed and closed his eyes, exhausted but unable to sleep.
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lisa shuts the door right in his face and locks it then goes to the kitchen and started to wonder where did sage go and should she go find him and see if he was okay or not lisa stares out the window
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Sage stayed under the bridge, laying on the floor. He was breathing heavier than usual and wanted nothing more than to fall asleep, but he couldn't. Not with the cold and wet, and on top of it all his side hurt like crazy. He was used to getting hurt, but it was still annoying.
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lisa decide to go look for sage she put on a coat and looked out side to see if her ex was out there which he wasn't she unlocks the door goes out then locks it back started walk down the sidewalk towards town
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Sage sat up and crawled into the corner of the bridge and sat there watching the water.
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lisa was getting tired but she didn't want to give up and not find him but she had to or she was going to pass out on the sidewalk near the woods
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