
hunter looked down at cowgirl " humans.." he said before looking back to the woods his eyes showing not fear but hate

Her eyes widened. "Humans!?" She fainted.

hunter jumped as cowgirl fainted before catching the four mares glares at him he took a step back looking at the fainting horse

Cowgirl was out for a good... 5 minutes, before she woke up to Hunter looking anxious, and mares glaring at him

hunter looked down seeing that cowgirl woke up before being shoved aside by ky the eldest mare in the herd +++++++++++++++++ sky saw she was awake and troted over with a polite smile "are you okay dear" she asked her eyes concerned

She smiled weakly at her. "I could be better. I haven't fainted like that for.... A couple years." She chuckled wryly. "Give me about... Half an hour and ill be good as new. I dont know why it takes me so lobg to recover."

sky smiled back at her before shoving hunter away "shoo shoo give her air" she said bumping him back with her nose =============== huter steped back as sky shoved him "ok ok " he replyed nodding his head

Cowgirl giggled at their antics. About 20 minutes later she felt strong enough to get up, so she heaved herself up, but still swaying a but. She looked at sky and asked. "Could you show me where some water is please? My thoat is... A little parched, it has about as much water as a desert does."

(hmm. Ghost? Im still hanging 😫)

(oops sorry 😅 ) hunter looked down as cowgirl stood "yes right this way" he said before walking down the slope to a pond and waiting for cowgirl not drinking himself