
Do not post here unless you sign up in the sign up fourm here Hello and welcome to Willow Oak here we have a main house where Amy( me ) lives, 1 50 stall barn with two wash racks one tack room with tons of space the stalls are 20 x 20 stalls with outside runs attached to them all you have to do is open the door inside your horses stall and boom, there is a food bucket and an automatic water system in each stall, with fresh shavings and hay, for the people there is 50 1 bedroom one full bath with kitchen dining room and living room all furnished with horse and cow pictures and cowhide rugs, and a beautiful leather couch and bed, there is fresh food and drinks in all cabins, there is one 600 acre pasture with trees for shade a lean-to and a pond and if the pond runs out a water trough, there are three round pens and two outdoor arenas that always get worked along with tow indoor arenas that get worked there is barrels and poles and Raining stuff at each arena any thing you need is there for the outdoor arenas there is a shed all that stuff goes into please put up all the stuff you use before you leave, there are hitching posts all over the property so look out for them, PLEASE have fun and enjoy!! Edited at November 29, 2024 01:28 AM by thatcowgirl2006

It was a good day to get new people at a ranch Amy had just opened up to the public, Amy walked outside on a Friday afternoon waiting for the people she had gotten to come to her ranch to stay for the summer or if they wanted to live here for as long as they wanted she walked out to the barn that was empty all but one stall her baby Sapphire "hey girl are you ready for today" she said as she walked up to her stall meeting her mare she stroked her head and Sapphire closed her eyes Amy took a deep breath and exhaled "ok girl " she grabbed the lead rope that was hanging up beside her stall and clipped it onto her halter leading her out of her stall and onto the cross ties and started to groom her.

∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OCs Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Out of all the places Lorelai Sterling could have possibly found herself at, Willow Oak was certaintly the one at the bottom of her never-ending list. She had no intentions of playing nice or befriending indivudals that also rode and lived here; she wanted to prioritize herself and Adonis, nothing else. Lorelai was silent, which had become a common thing for her, as she sauntered down the gravel path and towards the barn. Although she usually kept the expensive, spoiled stallion`s tack in the safety of a tack room, she had tossed it haphazardly over the stall door. She noticed Amy, yet did not utter a single word of greeting; as mentioned, she did not have the time to make friends. With a long exhale, she walked over to stall three and grabbed the halter that she had left there, careful to hold the lead rope that was attatched to it. With a final glance towards Amy, she continued walking towards the colossal pasture, which had to be monitored and scheduled due to mares and stallions, sometimes even frisky geldings. At the moment, the stallions were out, which meant Adonis was out there. He was most likely grazing or staring off in boredom, something he did whenever he did not get his way.
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After Amy was done with grooming she tacked up Sapphire and put her bridle on her and led her to one of the indoor arenas and sit up the barrels she then rode sapphire around the arena at a walk for 10 minutes, trot for 10 minutes, canter for 10 minutes, and a run one time around the arena and then she stopped her at the gate that was lined up with the third barrel she then looked at the barrel going at a walk 2 times, trot 3 times, canter 2 times, then she lined her back up at the gate she patted her neck "come on girl" then sapphire took off hearing her words she turned around first then second then third then ran home all in a span of 12.06 seconds.

Caden [I think lol] hopped on Delrado just as he finished loading a calf in the shoot.With the press of a button,the calf was running out and Caden was roping it. "Good job Delrado,lets try to improve our time though." Caden hopped off once he returned the calf to his pasture.His spurs clicked as his gaze was fixated from under the brim of his hat.His button up felt loose,providing airflow over his body.The jeans he had on prevented blisters from the saddle around his knees.

After Amy was done with her runs she tied up Sapphire and put up the barrels she then led Sapphire to the barn and unsaddled her giving her some water and hen grooming her after she was done with the grooming she put her in her stall and made sure her run door was open and made sure she had food water and hay she did well on hiring the men she did to do all that stuff she just always made sure it was done after words she walked out of the barn.

∩ ∩ („• ֊ •„)♡ | ̄U U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| | OCs Owned by Imp  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ It did not take long for Lorelai to reach the pasture, opening the gate carefully before closing it behind her. She stood there for a few minutes and waited patiently; Adonis would come to her, which was something she had spent months working on with him. It was not long before the renowned stallion came cantering up to her, nickering before skidding to a halt. Lorelai lifted a hand to caress his neck before clipping the halter and leading him out of the pasture. Lorelai already had plans for the day and, based on how Adonis was eagerly walking beside her, it seemed today would be easy. The stallion was incredibly behaved, raising his head every now and then to seemingly glare at nearby horses. She led him over to one of the cross ties within the barn and started making trips between the tack room and where Adonis stood. It was a long process tacking him up, but mostly because she knew how sensitive he was to the tack he wore. Edited at November 29, 2024 09:25 PM by Imperial Warmbloods
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Amy seen Lorelai and walked back in the barn "hey you must be Lorelai " she said with a smile she stood next to Sapphire but was looking at Loerlai and petting Sapphires head

Jaden*,walked into the barn.Leading the massive copper bay sabino stallion,otherwise known as Delrado. "Hey ladies,mind me asking what ya'lls names are?" Jaden asked,slipping a halter on Delrado.

Once the man walked in the barn "oh hi I'm Amy the owner of this place how about you?" she smiled at the man grabbing the horse still petting her mare