Hey! So im a bit of a noob to this game. I just purchased a pretty crazy horse and im loving him. But i dont quite understand whats going on. I genetic tested him, and I'm not understanding where he got his crazy from. https://horseeden.com/genpic.php?id=17321450 Extension: Ee Agouti: Aa Creme: CC Roan: rnrn Dun: dd Pearl: PrlPrl Silver: Zz Champagne: chch Grey: gg White: ww Tobiano: toto Splash White: splspl Sabino: sbsb Rabicano: Rbrb Frame: oo Leopard Complex: lplp PATN-1: patn-1patn-1 PATN-2: patn-2patn-2 Brindle: X- <font class="mainlineblack">Sooty: No <font class="mainlineblack">Pangere: No What is going on? I can kind of understand the genetics, but im so new i feel like I just bought a unicorn. Is this something that if i were to reroll his image would change or is this genetic stuff? Edited at December 31, 2018 08:49 PM by All Breeds

He's a chimera, if you reroll him it will most likely disappear.

Chimera. Its a random thing and not genetic.