
Hello! Im pants with genetics so would love to know what i can expect from these colour wise?
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They could produce a black (EE/Ee + aa), bay (EE/Ee + Aa), or chestnut (ee + Aa/aa) foal. If the foal gets the mare's creme, then you could also have smokey black (EE/Ee + aa + CcrC), buckskin (EE/Ee + Aa + CcrC), or palomino (ee + Aa/aa + CcrC). Obviously the foal could be roan/tobiano/sabino if they get Rn from one or more parent or To/Sb from her. They'll get at least one copy of PATN-2, since the stud is homozygous for that. If they also get his Lp, they could be a blanket, snowflake, or frost appy, since those stem from PATN-2. However, most likely they'd be a blanket, because the other two seem to come more often when the horse also has PATN-1.
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I'm not great at genetics, but I use the website Horse coat color predictor (I just google that lol) Edited at September 7, 2021 02:37 PM by Lucky Ranch
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