Sorrel Winds
-HEE Click-
Green eyed colt
Valhalla Acreage
10:55:22 Eivor
-HEE Click-
Need her gone
Vellum Elites
10:51:03 Vell
-HEE Click-
SD broods up for $500 each.
-HEE Click-
AD broods starting at 5k, EEE+.
Vellum Elites
10:50:48 Vell
-HEE Click-
SD broods up for $500 each.
-HEE Click-
AD broods starting at 5k, EEE+.
MakeEm Fancy
10:29:21 Ally 💜
-HEE Click-
All horses are for sale message me if any of these horses spark you're interest
The Lazy Ninja
10:17:57 Jessie
WC elite bravery pony 75k
-HEE Click-
BlueBird Eventing
10:12:46 Vixen
-HEE Click-
EWW SH Freshie has free straws available for RO!
Cloverleaf Castle
10:12:46 KNN
EEP-EWW Broods cheap!!
-HEE Click-
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Done with stress April 26, 2021 08:21 PM

Posts: 3065
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This is so so true.
I changed my name, and got a new set (or five!). It helps so much!
Getting a friend group or a breeding partner also helps a crazy amount. I have someone to talk to every day, about anything I want. They'll give me awesome gifts that boost my happiness and make me motivated to get on HEE.
Being active in chat is also super helpful, you can get yourself a friend group and work on self-confidence.
I hope this helps. Olive is 100% correct, take her advice ^^

Thistleberry Farm said:
hi mate <3
this was ctully something i struggled little with a while back. It's hrd becuse there are some stables who re really nice nd populr, and you wnt to be like them. but in relity, they hve been playing for years and years. here's wht i did to mke me feel better bout my stable-
begin to focus one one thing. for example, ISH ratings. this relly helps!
get yourself a new set/name! i find restarting often helps. so i chnged my name, got some new art, and focused on being hppy on HEE!
find a friend group
either try nd find a roup of people who re passionte about thins you love, or a person who can be your best HEE buddy! it my take a while, but trust me, once you find your people, you stick.
other than that, all i reccomend is mybe be more active in chat? people love to talk, and maybe you can express who you are if you talk little more.
hoping this helps <3

Done with stress May 2, 2021 09:54 AM

Lucky Ranch
Posts: 10750
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Edit: this is all meant to come across in a friendly and helpful way :)
I understand this. You cant tell the tone of text, and so it can be interpreted many different ways.
Get a feel for what people want to support and join. And what annoys people. Even if a RP has a really interesting plot, if the creator doesn't write well, or doesn't use any punctuation or proper spelling, I pass.
Also, what are people comfortable RPing? I wouldn't join a RP where everyone is twelve years old, and we own racehorses or something.
And even though a RP about hyenas or rodents sounds interesting, I don't know much about either, and would feel limited when writing something. (These are just a couple examples, not meant to hurt anyone who does/has RPed these subjects)
Similar goes for suggestions. Most people like HEE the way it is, and suggestions are for things that players think would benefit everyone. For example, a quick name change. Maybe little things/fun additions like new tack patterns, or a new type of appaloosa.
I looked through multiple of your suggestions, and I see a lot of them are locked.
Things like twins and diseases are shot down, and the pinned thread on the suggestions forum says don't suggest it. Theres also a good amount of suggestions of yours that already exist in the game.
I think you will have more success if you double check that it hasnt been suggested, and doesnt already exist. For something thats not a new coat or a new tack pattern, take some time to write a post thats clear and well thought out.
Most of the time if you have a good idea, people will support it!
I agree with finding a friend group. I have a few close people that I can PM and chat with, RP with, poke, spam with doggo pictures, whatever! Its nice to find people you connect with :)
And if needed, you can always take a step back from HEE for awhile, and come back when you feel ready.
Good luck!

Edited at May 2, 2021 09:55 AM by A grape
Done with stress May 18, 2021 05:02 AM

Kiwi Mountains
Posts: 2706
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I struggled with this quite a bit too. I personally found that always saying hi or hello to another stable or engaging in a interesting conversation helps. Like I always said hi to *said stable not too sure if I'd be allowed to say who* every time I saw them in chat and now they say hi back to me, it is so nice knowing someone recognizes you. I would suggest saying hi to stable you see a lot because I guess eventually they will say notice you too. I had the same problem with the suggestions too and I have no help for that honestly I just stopped posting suggestions entirely lol. I also had a problem with feeling like I was making myself seem underage and that stressed me out like if I said something in chat and it didnt sound like it came from a 17 yearold at all. I found that also posting in loads of forums helps too. I probably spend more time in forums than I do chat. I'm always open to friend and have no problem if you want to start a conversation with me just PM me I'm on for at least and hour every day and game mail is always exciting ^^
Done with stress May 24, 2021 09:50 PM

HMH Reality Check
Posts: 5488
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Mistakes are really easy in this game. You think someone is rude, but their just trying to help, misgendering, wrong names, missed chat posts. The game moves quickly and emotion is hard to convey through text, don't be afraid to repost or correct.

Forums > Rider's Lounge > Snark Factory
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