Ranch Lands Training
09:30:17 Lilly/PON Addict
I definitely am! We actually move our furniture in tomorrow and I'm hoping that will help. I just know all our furniture is from my partners grandparents and will be old/dated. So I want to upgrade as much as I can
Hummingbird Meadows
09:28:30 Hummer
@Lilly, I get what you meant. ;) You could pinterest it!
Ranch Lands Training
09:27:41 Lilly/PON Addict
Lol maybe interior design is the wrong word. I'm referring to just trying to furnish our new house
Hummingbird Meadows
09:26:43 Hummer
My cousin is an interior designer and when I talked to her about it she made it sound like it is mostly about making sure buildings are up to code and follow protocol.
Ranch Lands Training
09:26:06 Lilly/PON Addict
Like we have a red accent wall which I love and the kitchen/living room is white and grey. I thought it would be easy but it aint 😂
Ranch Lands Training
09:24:24 Lilly/PON Addict
Trying to decide what will work in a small space and what colours all go together all while working on a budget
Hummingbird Meadows
09:23:39 Hummer
@lilly, in what way?
Ooh -HEE Click- 😍
Ranch Lands Training
09:23:00 Lilly/PON Addict
Y'all interior design/decorating is actually so much harder than I thought it would be 🥲
Cherryfall Stud
09:22:34 Cherry
Oof I just FR'd one of my EEE colour mates because I thought she was a gelding, whoops.
I still have all my WBs to breed but hardly any ebs to do so lmfao
Hummingbird Meadows
09:07:01 Hummer
@Two, same. A good camera for photographing wildlife though costs a lot, so I won't be able to afford one until I graduate in 2 years.
09:05:32 TWO / Wild
I would love to get a real camera one day. I love photographing nature.
Hummingbird Meadows
08:51:37 Hummer
That was taken with a superzoom camera a friend of mine owns. I have debated getting one myself, but I wonder if I would be better off getting a real camera (one with a lense and whatnot).
08:50:38 TWO / Wild
So cool!
Hummingbird Meadows
08:49:16 Hummer
I wonder if she had a nest nearby. This is one of my favorite photos I took of a hummingbird nest.
Hummingbird Meadows
08:47:34 Hummer
Last year there was a female who was super territorial over the feeder I put out. I would watch her sit in the nearby tree. She would just watch the hummingbird feeder and fly over when another hummer came to scare them off. XD
08:46:40 TWO / Wild
I know some people who have 1 hummingbird feeder, and about 20 hummingbirds that visit every day. Its pretty cool to see so many.
Hummingbird Meadows
08:43:24 Hummer
I put out two feeders this year in the hopes I will get more hummingbirds. =) We'll have to see what happens as I am at a new house so I don't know what their habits are in the area I am in.
Daesung Wings
08:41:46 Dae
Hummer I bet! haha
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Work Drama. Can I get some honest thoughts? November 1, 2021 06:13 PM

Ryshadium RIDs
Posts: 653
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If you guys have some time to read this, could you let me know your thoughts? Am I being unreasonable here?

The background:

I'm a newly graduated pharmacist. I've interned for the company for 3 years and know the job, but this is my first time having to manage people and I'm having an issue.

I'm a float. I go to any store in the district that has a hole in their schedule, but I do have a "home" store where I work every third weekend and 1-2 evenings a week. The technician I'm struggling with is a part-timer at my "home" store.

As a floating pharmacist I am essentially a shift lead; I work with 1-3 techs at a time. I get the final say on any work-related decision during my shift.

When the techs type a new prescription into the computer, I double check it for accuracy and send it back to them to fix if they do something wrong. (when we send something back to be changed we call it "declining.") It could be a major mistake, if they picked the wrong drug. Or it could be a minor mistake; when doctors put instructions on scripts they use all sorts of medical jargon and shorthand, and we have to translate it into patient friendly language. Sometimes the pharmacist doesn't think the tech's interpretation is quite clear enough, so we send it back to them to reword it.

With that said, I have no disciplinary powers. I suppose I could send someone home for the day, but that's about it. Only the pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) has full-on managerial powers. (Each pharmacy has 1 officially designated PIC).

The problem:

In summary:

There is a technician that I work with (call her Jane) that has anxiety. She gets anxious when customers are unhappy with her or our workflow is backlogged. She bottles it up until she explodes on her coworkers (usuallly the pharmacist) when spoken to. I asked her to just communicate with me before she reaches the boiling point and I'll help her out; I've got her back. she says she won't talk to me, I'm just suppoed to see for myself that she's having a bad day and not talk to her (I'm apparently a bad leader if I can't "handle" her without speaking), and the reason she doesn't want to talk to me in particular is because I decline more of the prescriptions she types in, which makes her to anxious to talk to me in particular.

In detail:

I started working at my current home store (and with the problem tech, call her Jane) about 2-3 months ago. Jane has been with the company for 5 years. Everything was fine, I've never had any problems with anyone in the 3 years I've been with the company.

One day she was helping a customer and couldn't get their insurance to pay for their prescription, so the price was too high. She got frustrated and walked away. I fixed the problem in about 20 seconds and asked her to come back so I could show her for next time. She said no. I was surprised, so I asked again, and she again said no. I gave her 5 minutes to calm down, and as she happened to come by my station I just verbally told her how I did it. She got visibily upset, yelled at me, and told me she didn't want to talk about the situation. I told her something like "it's okay" in the way you do when you're trying to calm someone down, and she told me if I didn't stop talking to her she would ask to not be scheduled with me anymore. (I have no clue if the PIC is able or willing to honor a request like that.) She went to our little pharmacy break area, cried for a little bit, and calmed down. The other techs told me that she is well-known for blowing up on pharmacists (both floats and the 2 full timers assigned to the store) and that it's not just me.

I texted the PIC about it. PIC apologised profusely and said Jane has anxiety issues, and acknoledged that it doesn't make it right. I let things go and moved on.

A couple weeks later I walked in on a Thursday afternoon for my shift. Jane was already there, and the moment she saw me she started telling the other techs that she wasn't sure she would show up to work that Saturday because she was scheduled to work with me and it wasn't good for her mental health. (I didn't leave anything out here, the previous interaction was the only negative interaction we'd had.) I was confused and it was a busy day, so I didn't say anything and just got to work. A couple hours later, we were all very busy with a rush, and 1 tech was on his lunch break trying to eat in peace. Jane walked back by him and was talking to him (he was not participating). I heard her say "She [me] makes me sick" and mutter some other things I couldn't make out. A few minutes later the drive through dings, the rest of us are still busy or on lunch and Jane is just standing around back there shit-talking me, so I say, "Jane, there's someone in the drive through." She says, "So?" and I said, "Could you get it please?" and she yelled, "No, I'm trying not to freak out on customers." So I got drive.

Texted the PIC again. Same response as before, but she offtered to talk to Jane about it.

Saturday rolls around. I'm scheduled with 3 techs, including Jane. 1 tech is on time, Jane is 10 minutes late, other tech is 15 minutes late. Jane apologizes to the puntual tech but doesn't say a word to me. She says hi to the tech that walks in after her but doesn't say a word to me. She picks the work station farthest from me, the one we usually never ever used except in rare cases when we are overstaffed. I asked her how she's doing, she mutters something I can't hear, and the other tech next to her says, "she's fine."

At this point all I know is that multiple times now she has either blown up on me and refused my requests as shift lead multiple times now for no reason, and given me attitude the moment she saw me for no reason. I told her she needs to act like an adult and communicate with me. If she's having a bad day and needs to take 5 minutes to herself that's fine, I've got her back, but she needs to let me know instead of bottling it up inside until she snaps.

She told me that I'm a bad leader because I'm not handling her propery, cried in the bathroom for 5 minutes, and then was perfectly nice to me for the rest of the day.

The others were scheduled to leave before her, so we worked the last hour along. I asked her if we could talk, and we had this final conversation without yelling. (All the previous negative interactions involved her yelling at me).

I essentially reiterated that I just wanted her to communicate and let me know politely that she needs a break BEFORE she explodes on someone. This is really all I want.

She told me that she was not going to communicate with me because I decline more of the prescriptions she types in (in otherwords, I send more of them back to her to be fixed or changed in some way) than the other pharmacists do, and since I decline more I personally make her too nervous and she is not comfortable working with me or talking with me at all about anything. She reiterates that I am a bad leader for not being able to "handle" her without speaking to her. She says she's trying to not hold it against me because I'm new to managing people, but she just really doesn't think she can work with me.

I haven't looked at any stats, I don't know if I decline more than the other pharmacists do. The company does track how often the techs have to fix what they entered, but techs are NOT disciplined or rewarded based on these stats. It's just FYI info. And even if I do send more back, it's my right because it's my pharmacist license on the line. If I approve the way she typed the directions for the prescription, and the directions end up being either unclear or flat out incorrect and the patient is harmed, it's my license on the line. Not hers.

I think I can safely say that most pharmacists would find it absurd that she is upset with me over how often I make her retype instructions. But I still just want some opinions on the whole thing.

Work Drama. Can I get some honest thoughts? November 1, 2021 06:21 PM

Ryshadium RIDs
Posts: 653
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Side note: my dad pointed out something interesting. Jane is part time, I am only at that particular store part time; it's odd how we keep working together. Almost like the PIC, who makes the schedule, either:
A. Doesn't want to work with Jane because of Jane's explosions
B. Is hoping I'll drive Jane to quit
C. Is hoping Jane will drive me to quit (I've never had bad interactions with the PIC and have no reason to believe she'd want me gone, but you never know.)
Work Drama. Can I get some honest thoughts? November 1, 2021 06:32 PM

Trivia Team
Posts: 3357
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So Jane has decided you're the bad guy, so no matter what you do, you're not going to be able to fix this unless she mans the fuck up and apologizes. I know people like her- they blame everything on the anxiety, and then they blame everything on some other person. They never take responsibility for their own actions.
As someone with anxiety, I'd like to say it's like owning a dog. It is YOUR responsiblility to manage the dog. If the dog chews on somebody's shoes, you replace them. You don't just say "sorry my dog ate your shoes, he's a bad dog" and then carry on with your life not training the dog to not eat shoes. You fix the problem. And if you don't, then you start blaming people for leaving their shoes out. Do you see where I'm going with this?
You're going above and beyond, dealing with her with the patience you've been displaying. I'm not really sure how else you could make this better, especially since this isn't your dog to train. I'd just carry on, and make it a point to be nicer to the others, so that Jane can't turn them against you, and maybe ask the PIC to schedule so you don't have to deal with her as much.
Work Drama. Can I get some honest thoughts? November 1, 2021 06:42 PM

Painted Pony Farms
Posts: 874
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First of all, I think it's great that you have remained so professional in spite of the unprofessional and downright rude behavior of your the tech. You have been understanding about her anxiety and have offered solutions.

Honestly, I would text the PIC every time "Jane" says something to you that is rude or unprofessional. The PIC is not properly handling the situation and is making it your problem. I think if you text them enough, they will have to take action.

It also doesn't hurt to point out to the PIC that it is not your responsibility to manage the tech.

Work Drama. Can I get some honest thoughts? November 1, 2021 07:04 PM

Hawkeye Farms
Posts: 1183
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You're doing good remaining professional with Jane. I think the PIC is probably trying to make Jane quit and seeing how you handle things. However if the PIC doesn't step up and do their job, you may have to go to their boss. Go up the chain of commanad and keep logs of everything you say and do reguarding Jane, just to CYA (cover your ass), that way it can't back fire on you.
Work Drama. Can I get some honest thoughts? November 1, 2021 08:44 PM

Ryshadium RIDs
Posts: 653
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Thank you all for your feedback, I do feel a bit better now.

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