Snow Stable
07:19:06 Snow❆Gem
My quests:

Breed a Premium Champagne foal.

Breed a Premium Appaloosa foal.

Breed a double Premium Tobiano foal.
Santana Rising
07:18:39 San
Yeah I skip the gelding quests unless they are up to 25. Can't be arsed to think about clicking that snipping box before setting free.
Snowfall Stables
07:18:10 ♧ Snow ♧
Capture 25 horses.
Completed: 0/25
Geld Him!
Geld 100 stallions.
Completed: 0/100
Free Range
Set free 300 horses.
Completed: 0/300

these quests are going to have to wait until the next capture day
Clear Springs
07:18:01 Froggie
The only breeding quest I've had so far that I hate is "breed a brindle foal" because it's completely random.
Snow Stable
07:17:30 Snow❆Gem

How many times did you do it? hehe


I'm good. Decent sleep accept for the storm that blew through. lol And OK, I hope its good! And how are you doing?
07:17:30 Crowley | Myth
I'd rather have breeding quests than geld/capture ones.
Santana Rising
07:17:09 San
Breeding quests are the ones I like the most since I have tons of colour horses and various projects (lots of pearl TBs, appy and splash SHs, silver and Ch AAs, ToTo in all my breeds..) sometimes the quests finish themselves
07:16:44 Kittiara / Pheonix
-HEE Click-

He is already doing so good 😊. Happy with his training and he already has a point.
Snowfall Stables
07:15:34 ♧ Snow ♧
Geld 100 stallions.
Completed: 0/100

say what now??? .....
Malikova Madness
07:14:59 Amber
How are ya, It is indeed afternoon for me
Having my dinner currently haha
Santana Rising
07:14:12 San
I have the capture 50 now, but that will have to wait till the next capture day
07:13:42 Crowley | Myth
I saw. You would have been proud of me last night.
Snowfall Stables
07:13:38 ♧ Snow ♧
I hate the breeding quests....
Santana Rising
07:13:26 San
Happened to me during a capture event, Star. I usually capture mostly TB, but when I came back to the capture site after rating a few I forgot to adjust the breed and it's on WB by default. When I saw the horse I captured was dun I realised my mistake
07:13:25 Ru
I'm ignoring them haha
07:13:09 Ru
All my quests are capture now
Snowfall Stables
07:12:33 ♧ Snow ♧
I have a new quest where it wants me to capture 25 horses now
Snow Stable
07:12:18 Snow❆Gem

Morning! XD Putting bad links into chat again. lol
Snow Stable
07:11:46 Snow❆Gem
07:11:46 Crowley | Myth
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Forums > Rider's Lounge > Snark Factory

Merry Crashed Christmas December 17, 2021 09:10 PM

Greenheart Stables
Posts: 269
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i want to thank everyone for the advice but I was told this rant of mine could get me in some trouble with mods, I don't know maybe I'm just over reacting and is not my place to speak.

Edited at December 18, 2021 12:06 AM by Greenheart Stables
Merry Crashed Christmas December 17, 2021 09:33 PM

Major Equine
Posts: 27
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This is a terrible situation that you shouldn't have to be in. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
I would recommend going to an adult you trust and telling them everything that is going on. Your mother should absolutely not be acting so irresponsible and using you! I understand it might be scary to tell someone, but it's best if someone you trust knows about your current situation. They can be there to help you out. You should have 100% a say in what happens to you.
Even though Christmas might seem like it will be crashed this year, I'm always here to provide you with virtual gifts and hugs <3 :) I hope you feel a little better and things start to clear up for you.
Merry Crashed Christmas December 17, 2021 11:19 PM

Greenheart Stables
Posts: 269
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All Star Stables said:
This is a terrible situation that you shouldn't have to be in. I'm so sorry this is happening to you.
I would recommend going to an adult you trust and telling them everything that is going on. Your mother should absolutely not be acting so irresponsible and using you! I understand it might be scary to tell someone, but it's best if someone you trust knows about your current situation. They can be there to help you out. You should have 100% a say in what happens to you.
Even though Christmas might seem like it will be crashed this year, I'm always here to provide you with virtual gifts and hugs <3 :) I hope you feel a little better and things start to clear up for you.

Awww thanks,you don't have to give me anything , virtual hugs and support is more then enough right now.

Edited at December 18, 2021 12:12 AM by Greenheart Stables
Merry Crashed Christmas December 17, 2021 11:28 PM

Foggy Forest Stables
Posts: 2336
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If you'd like to PM me and elaborate, I didn't understand a word said.. I'd love to be of help though if you could PM! <3
Merry Crashed Christmas December 17, 2021 11:54 PM

Painted Pony Farms
Posts: 874
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Greenheart, I am so sorry you are going through this situation. It breaks my heart to hear about parents who aren't there for their children. You are so brave and strong for coming as far as you have in life.

Have you ever reached out to a school counselor regarding your situation at home? A lot of times they can help process what is happening at home and offer you support.

I'm not sure where you live, but my school district does what we call Sub for Santa. Students raise money for their fellow students who can't afford Christmas gifts. Once again, this might be something to talk to your school counselor about when you get back from the break.

In the meantime I would suggest trying to find pleasure in the small things; maybe even write it down in a gratitude journal. It can be seeing a beautiful house lit up with Christmas lights, eating a sweet treat, or capturing a beautiful horse on HEE. Even though your Christmas might not be filled with presents try to find gifts in the world around you.

Edited at December 17, 2021 11:54 PM by Silver Isle Eventing

Forums > Rider's Lounge > Snark Factory


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