Blue Diamond
thoughts on this stud

-HEE Click-
Blue Diamond
11:51:00 Ls,lost,kayla,kl
Where the horses go after they die
Blue Diamond
what is rainbow bridge
Hummingbird Meadows
10:55:30 Hummer
I do like Marvel... maybe I will check it out!
10:54:52 TWO / Wild
I'm not fond of swearing or sex either. Currently, my boyfriend and I are watching Marvels Agent Carter series, and its pretty good in my opinion.
Hummingbird Meadows
10:49:28 Hummer
I like medical shows too. 👀
Hummingbird Meadows
10:48:38 Hummer
@Two, hmm... usually vet shows. XD However, I feel open right now. I typically don't like things with tons of swearing and sex though.
10:42:01 TWO / Wild
Hummer, what kind of shows do you watch?
Gemini Estate
10:41:19 Elf the 3rd
I have decided my 5 yr old is going to give me a heart attack.
She jumped her lesson horse at a lope. She went woo-hoo
I about died
Blue Diamond
thank you fawn
The Joker
10:40:48 Ari <3
Figuring out what year to use embryos is hard XD I'm over here with a little spreadsheet trying to figure stuff out
All Breeds
10:40:31 Fawn
Blue, go to the stable you want to send ebs and there's a link by the the profile that says to send ebs. It redirects you to your account page where you'll select Pay Another Stable and it will have their stable already in there
Hummingbird Meadows
10:39:10 Hummer
I need a new TV show to watch...
Blue Diamond
how do i send ebs?
Wynn Talli
10:38:58 Jokers Hideyrock
I read a series years back with those, it was so cute <3
Savannah Stables
10:38:41 Dusty
also thats gorgeous two <3
10:38:38 TWO / Wild
They would be too cute for this world, Fawn
Savannah Stables
10:38:25 Dusty
They are real you just arent looking hard enough...
All Breeds
10:37:48 Fawn
Ugh I want tiny hummingbird horses to be real xD
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Getting Sick, and Might be Fired? December 30, 2021 07:54 AM

Riven Equine
Posts: 441
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So, I work at a restaurant, it's been going great for three months now. This past weekend I started developing a sore throat and only really noticed it on Saturday night. Come Sunday all store employees are supposed to meet in the morning for an all store meeting and all is well. Until I come in for my shift on Monday and am immediately sent back home. Come to find out, two of my coworkers tested positive for Covid, and they were both sitting next to me during the hour long meeting.

After I was told to go home I immediately started searching for at home test kits, because I can't return to work unless I test negative or wait out the two weeks. Lo and behold, every single kit within my state is sold out and I can't do drive through testing because I don't have a car. I tried to see if I could go to a hospital or clinic but they told me I can't because my symptoms aren't severe enough.

After searching for a while I found a kit online and bought it, I thought I got lucky because it was supposed to be here today. Well... the package hasn't been updated in three days, and I tried calling the shipping company but no response. My frustration is growing because I believe I do have Covid, I've developed more symptoms over the past few days of not working and they are not going away sadly.

The problem is is that the restaurant I work for pays it's employees to quarantine for 12-14 days if tested positive for covid. But if I can't get tested then I lose two weeks of pay or will possibly be fired. I can't help but feel like they will fire me, and that has been weighing heavily on me these past few days. It's like everything is going to shit and I can't do anything about it, all because I can't get tested. I don't need replies, just someone to read my rant. Thank you for reading.
Getting Sick, and Might be Fired? December 30, 2021 09:23 AM

Posts: 1145
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Man that really sucks. Something similar happened to me a few months back, my sister had to get tested for covid so I told my boss and she fired me on the spot because I couldn't come in. That's shitty employers for you unfortunately. I really hope that doesn't happen and you get things sorted out. Best of luck!
Getting Sick, and Might be Fired? December 31, 2021 07:35 PM

Hawkeye Farms
Posts: 1183
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Actually depending where you are if it's a at will state sad to say your employer can fire you for any reason. However if it's due to medical due to the pandemic you may be able to persue a wrongful termination suit. During the whole Covid thing where I lived they would pay you to stay home even if you couldn't get tested right away just to be safe. But sad to say not all employers are like that.

Forums > Rider's Lounge > Snark Factory


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