Hot 2 Trot
02:34:30 Holly
Reyes Horse Ranch
02:28:02 Claudia
Thanks, I had that doubt because I thought I read something a while ago about it, so thank you very much. :)
Aurorae Sport Horses
02:25:00 Hawk// ASH <3
Horses in themgame,cant be deaf, so colors have no effect on them, other than lethal white
Reyes Horse Ranch
02:22:28 Claudia
Hi, I had this filly some weeks ago, and I have a doubt.
I just noticed that her ears are black, does that mean the filly won't be deaf?
-HEE Click-
Alright, thanks!
Honey Moon
02:02:00 Honey
You can only buy new barns
How do I buy more stalls for a pre-existing barn?
Valhalla Acreage
01:48:01 Eivor
She's a ppp expect a week 5 and not a week 4
Blackwater Stables
01:41:10 Sway
-HEE Click-

Okay can someone explain to me what not going up wk4, but having all up wk5 means? Is that good, mediocre, or bad?
*Rising Stars TBs*
01:33:40 Star / Sarah
SilverDawn, <3

It is very beautiful, peaceful. I like it.
*Rising Stars TBs*
01:27:02 Star / Sarah
Thoughts? It is my own memorial piece... He was put away yesterday, like my FWB mare Rosa T^T
MakeEm Fancy
01:02:18 Ally 💜
Yeah Im out also lol I need sleep before appointments tomorrow
Circle Star RIDs
01:01:44 Granny C
well, my dog is giving me the 'evil eye' I guess she wants me to go to bed.
Amethyst Ranch
01:01:17 Echo <3
Thank you Ally! <3 it means a lot!
MakeEm Fancy
01:00:22 Ally 💜
Very lucky!
Amethyst Ranch
01:00:15 Echo <3
Thank you Ari <3 I think I'm still in shock as it was super fast <3
MakeEm Fancy
12:59:47 Ally 💜
Congrats echo! The NICU is always a scary place 🥺 big hugs and if you need someone to talk to Im always here!
Circle Star RIDs
12:59:27 Granny C
Ally - you guys missed a bullet there. Dam lucky.
Amethyst Ranch
12:58:56 Echo <3

My second :)
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Forums > Rider's Lounge > Snark Factory

Swimsuit Sizes are sooo Weird 😭 July 21, 2023 06:58 PM

Bluebonnet Estates
Posts: 936
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For context:
My parents live less then 10 minutes away and they have a pool, I live in Texas and all summer it's been 100°+ so as you can imagine I go there often. Their pool is also chlorinated which can ruin swimsuits faster. We planned a little family vacation to the beach, and I'm needing to go swimsuit shopping because my currents were all bought at a similar time and now are all "Retiring" at the same time.

I've been shopping quite a bit, and looking online but it's not anything I really like. I went out today and tried on multiple swimsuits and not one fit correctly or had enough support 🫤
Im 5'7, and I have a stocky/curvy-ish build, with bigger boobs (it had to be said I'm sorry lol, I needed to include for swimsuits sake) all the ones I found made my boobs pop out and 1 wave would have taken the swimsuit down, I've been trying to find cute one-pieces, but they are the ones with that problem. If it fits my body it doesn't fit my boobs, if it fits my boobs it doesn't fit my body and it looks sooo saggy because it's too big 😭
I do like 2 pieces and bikinis provided they aren't tiny, but the style now barely covers your booty crack and is tied on the sides, same for the top, barely covers anything and is tied all around 😭
So this is a struggle for me
Does anyone know any good brands that could save me from this problem? I don't want to be uncomfortable and self conscious on the beach. Thank you! <3

Edited at July 21, 2023 07:12 PM by Bluebonnet Estates
Swimsuit Sizes are sooo Weird 😭 July 21, 2023 06:59 PM

Bluebonnet Estates
Posts: 936
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Also! Whyyyy are they such crappy quality now? The sizing is off and weird as fuck too 😠
Swimsuit Sizes are sooo Weird 😭 July 21, 2023 07:05 PM

E.T. Eventing
Posts: 549
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Swimsuit Sizes are sooo Weird 😭 July 21, 2023 07:18 PM

Trivia Team
Posts: 3357
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Look up TomboyX! I have a friend with a similar build to you and she swears by them, and they have a lot of really cute patterns (the jellyfish are my favorite)
Swimsuit Sizes are sooo Weird 😭 July 21, 2023 07:33 PM

Bluebonnet Estates
Posts: 936
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FirstLightFarms said:
Look up TomboyX! I have a friend with a similar build to you and she swears by them, and they have a lot of really cute patterns (the jellyfish are my favorite)

Oooo thank you! I looked it up and I like what I see 👀
I will have to look further into it lol
Swimsuit Sizes are sooo Weird 😭 July 22, 2023 08:12 AM

Posts: 1991
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I've had the same problems as you. Summersalt is a lifesaver for me! I've been pleased with all their swim suits and the sizing. I have a bigger chest that needs lots of support and they have some awesome tops that are structured like a sports bra, but are super cute.
Swimsuit Sizes are sooo Weird 😭 July 24, 2023 09:52 PM

Bluebonnet Estates
Posts: 936
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WildWillow said:
I've had the same problems as you. Summersalt is a lifesaver for me! I've been pleased with all their swim suits and the sizing. I have a bigger chest that needs lots of support and they have some awesome tops that are structured like a sports bra, but are super cute.

Oooo thank you so much! Definitely looking into that one as well <3

Forums > Rider's Lounge > Snark Factory


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