Ugh she's so pretty ;-; Hope her training stays up too
-HEE Click-
Hot 2 Trot
02:34:30 Holly
Reyes Horse Ranch
02:28:02 Claudia
Thanks, I had that doubt because I thought I read something a while ago about it, so thank you very much. :)
Aurorae Sport Horses
02:25:00 Hawk// ASH <3
Horses in themgame,cant be deaf, so colors have no effect on them, other than lethal white
Reyes Horse Ranch
02:22:28 Claudia
Hi, I had this filly some weeks ago, and I have a doubt.
I just noticed that her ears are black, does that mean the filly won't be deaf?
-HEE Click-
Alright, thanks!
Honey Moon
02:02:00 Honey
You can only buy new barns
How do I buy more stalls for a pre-existing barn?
Valhalla Acreage
01:48:01 Eivor
She's a ppp expect a week 5 and not a week 4
Blackwater Stables
01:41:10 Sway
-HEE Click-

Okay can someone explain to me what not going up wk4, but having all up wk5 means? Is that good, mediocre, or bad?
*Rising Stars TBs*
01:33:40 Star / Sarah
SilverDawn, <3

It is very beautiful, peaceful. I like it.
*Rising Stars TBs*
01:27:02 Star / Sarah
Thoughts? It is my own memorial piece... He was put away yesterday, like my FWB mare Rosa T^T
MakeEm Fancy
01:02:18 Ally 💜
Yeah Im out also lol I need sleep before appointments tomorrow
Circle Star RIDs
01:01:44 Granny C
well, my dog is giving me the 'evil eye' I guess she wants me to go to bed.
Amethyst Ranch
01:01:17 Echo <3
Thank you Ally! <3 it means a lot!
MakeEm Fancy
01:00:22 Ally 💜
Very lucky!
Amethyst Ranch
01:00:15 Echo <3
Thank you Ari <3 I think I'm still in shock as it was super fast <3
MakeEm Fancy
12:59:47 Ally 💜
Congrats echo! The NICU is always a scary place 🥺 big hugs and if you need someone to talk to Im always here!
Circle Star RIDs
12:59:27 Granny C
Ally - you guys missed a bullet there. Dam lucky.
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Well today just freaking sucked rocks December 5, 2023 06:41 PM

Hawkeye Farms
Posts: 1183
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Well I gave a friend of mine a lift home today after she got off work. No big deal there, since I'm her ride into work as well since she doesn't drive, and my work schedule is very flexible.

I got home to let my roommate's dogs out, and to check on my own critters. Found out one of my guinea pigs died about two hours before I got home. She was cool to the touch, but still kind of floppy so rigor hadn't set in yet. So bummed about that, but easily understandable since rodents don't live that long in general. She was about 4 or 5 years old so on the young side of an old guinea pig since they usually live 7 to 8 years.

What really upset me is my 14 year old cat Hitch had been having issues. Back in June/July it looked like he had heat stroke. We got him through that. Then about a month or so later he had another issue controling is bowel movements, and he had explosive diereah all over my bed. Again 14 years old so other than being sick from the smell of it I don't blame him for it. A few weeks after that looked like he had heat stroke again. Found him hiding in the bathroom drooling.

Well today I couldn't find him, and he's normally the first cat to meow a greating to me. I looked in all his hidy spots, checked where he hid the first time he had heat stroke due to it being nice dark and cool. Couldn't find him, then I decide to check my bathroom. He was doing the loaf (if you have cats you know the loaf look they have) position drooling on the toilet mat. He had accidents on the bathmats in front of the shower, the toilet, on a cat bed when I went to double check his accident areas, and in the shower itself.

So I put food and water in the bathroom for him, a clean cat bed with his favorite snuggle toy, and began washing things. He's going to be staying in there overnight just so the other cats don't bother him, and I don't have to hunt him down to check on him during the night. The good news is my roommate is off work tomorrow so she can check on him on a regular basis.

We're going to have to keep an eye on him for a few days until I get my paycheck or the check my roommate got from selling her car clears. Then he's going to the vet. I'm just hoping its something we can manage and get him better. He's still eating, drinking, and enjoying life. However these issues he's been having are getting closer and closer. I don't know if he's having seizures, heat stroke issues, kidney failure, or if he has cancer.

I really don't want to put him down, but with these issues coming up more and more with him, if after a vet check it may come to that if we can't get things under control. Since he's 14 going on 15 I don't want to risk putting him under if he has cancer or is going into kidney failure, due to the fact the anestetic might kill him outright.

I've resigned myself to the fact I may have to put him down if he doesn't go out on his own terms. I want him going out on his terms surrounded by his furry brother and sisters, and well me and my roommate instead of in a vet's office since he has always hated the vet. I know if I have to put him down, I'll stay with him if the vet will let me stay with him. I honestly don't want his last moments of him being alone, scared, and wondering where I'm at.

Well today just freaking sucked rocks December 5, 2023 07:21 PM

Lucky Ranch
Posts: 10741
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Im so sorry hawkeye, it's very sad and difficult to watch your friend (animal or human) struggle
I hope you're able to figure out whats happening with Hitch and help him
If not theres some vets that provide at home euthanasia so that their last moments are peaceful at home
So sorry this is happening and I hope things start looking up for you and your roommate
Rest in peace lil guinea pig, and I hope Hitch feels better soon
Well today just freaking sucked rocks December 5, 2023 08:01 PM

Hawkeye Farms
Posts: 1183
Give Award
Well I checked on Hitch after dinner. He looks better, and he tried to escape the bathroom. However tonight he's not going to like it since he likes sleeping on the bed with me, he's staying in the bathroom. This way I can monitor him earier and not hunt him down in the dark. I may let him out after I get home from driving my frined into work at 3am, but I'll have to see how he's doing.
Thank you Lucky for your kind words.

Lucky Ranch said:
Im so sorry hawkeye, it's very sad and difficult to watch your friend (animal or human) struggle
I hope you're able to figure out whats happening with Hitch and help him
If not theres some vets that provide at home euthanasia so that their last moments are peaceful at home
So sorry this is happening and I hope things start looking up for you and your roommate
Rest in peace lil guinea pig, and I hope Hitch feels better soon

Forums > Rider's Lounge > Snark Factory


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