
I drew my old AA mare's embryos around the time that embryos came out. She does not show up in the list, as shown above. Is there anyway to fix this? It will not let me use the embryos either, saying error match 2 or something. I would really like to be able to use her embryos. Her name was Let Me Go, AA mare, but I can't find her dam as her name is not on the breeding report.
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Trivia Team |
Unfortunately its a result of the mare not having living offspring so while embryos in theory should be forever like straws there is an unknown time-limit for when they need to be used
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ArcticLights said: Unfortunately its a result of the mare not having living offspring so while embryos in theory should be forever like straws there is an unknown time-limit for when they need to be used
This needs to be fixed 😭
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