My whole family is pretty tall on my mothers side (mother is 5'11 and and grandpa was 6'7 >.>) but mr fathers side is Scottish and there fore he's about 5'5 so the same height as me. We still make fun of my younger brother for being short at 6'0 if that makes anyone feel better 😭 I'm about 5'4 and no one is allowed to bully my dad and I lol
Funny story time. I went to go get diapers for my little one and the only had one box left in the whole store and it was pushed all the way to the back so I couldnt reach it....I decided it would be a good idea to crawl into the shelf that it was on and got myself stuck 😅😂 It was a good laugh with the hubby later on
When there is only one horse that shows up in the drop down I try to click it but no training methods show up. When there's more than one horse on the list the first horse never shows ways to be trained unless you select another horse lower down on the list then go back to the first horse.