
This boy usually gets a lot of attention on RO, so I was puzzled as to why he has no breedings - then I realized I can't find him in the search! If I look for splash stallions that are up for breeding, or even stallions with SplSpl in their name, he does not appear: Horse Eden - Online Horse Game Help! No one can find him anymore. Here is the search string I used (I also searched for just splash white stallions that are up for breeding; that's a much longer list but he's not on that one, either): Horse Eden - Online Horse Game Edited at May 13, 2024 09:03 AM by Rocky Mtn Paints
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Update: he will only appear in the search if I uncheck "for breeding" - but he IS up for breeding - but people won't be able to find him that way. If you check the "for breeding" box again on this search, poof, he disappears: Horse Eden - Online Horse Game Edited at May 3, 2024 10:09 AM by Rocky Mtn Paints
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I had this same problem when looking for studs with straws available. Some stallions with straws in the store were not showing up in the horse search, whereas others were
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Yeah, even Astaldo isn't appearing in the search. I think it's having to do with studs who sell out of public live covers in a month. Something triggers to remove them from the search but isn't resetting for the next month. Edited at May 5, 2024 09:44 PM by Rocky Mtn Paints
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Confirming these stallions are still not visible in search as breedable after another RO.
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Administrator |


Edited at October 16, 2024 08:25 AM by Rocky Mtn Paints
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