Gem Queens Estate
07:37:18 Snow❆Gem
Waiting up earlier every morning is catching up with me...
07:37:08 Ceci / (Call me) AL
Same with dark liver flaxen
07:36:41 Ceci / (Call me) AL
Black chestnut KNN is gorgeous though
Snowfall Stables
07:36:26 ♧ Snow ♧
Ok guys I got a lot of yearlings for my string! its just time to train them up
Gem Queens Estate
07:36:13 Snow❆Gem
*army horses
Gem Queens Estate
07:35:43 Snow❆Gem
Also, I think I shall make more show army to pay for her future matches. XD
Gem Queens Estate
07:34:33 Snow❆Gem

Oh yes. Forgot about that. lol I'm happy she's EE. Not a fan of chestnut KNNs. :D
Gem Queens Estate
07:32:21 Snow❆Gem

Yes! I totally forgot I bought her, since it was last minute. Then I bred my ADs and was going through FR fodder and stumbled upon her. O.o So I had like 52k to spend and luckily found a good stud for that price. So... now I'm basically broke. lol
Kuewi knn stable
07:31:39 Bazinga Force
Congrats, Snow. But you can tell from her color that she is just LPlp
07:30:15 Tee | Quila
Congratsss! Out of faye too 👀
8 Seconds
07:30:05 Ella
all the free flowing sales chit chat in main
Starleaf Stables
07:29:27 Flare <3
Kuewi knn stable
07:29:21 Bazinga Force
Besides - I usually prefer P rated horses for the show string unless it is for Futurities.
They level up almost as fast as E rated horses, but tend to stay in the money for one more week.
Gem Queens Estate
07:29:19 Snow❆Gem
I breed a EWW KNN filly yesterday! XD So so happy, I'm going to gene test her, hoping for LpLp. -HEE Click-
8 Seconds
07:28:18 Ella
good lord
Kuewi knn stable
07:28:11 Bazinga Force
take anything sales related to pm or sales chat please.
07:25:08 Ru
You can choose SD horses, with single E, they are a bit easier to manage since you have to track only one discipline.
07:24:52 Thunda/Cat/Mom
Geldings are cheap as yearlings.

They get pricier as they train and gain levels.
K-M Stables
07:24:51 K-M Quarter Horses
They really only need E in one discipline
Starleaf Stables
07:23:49 Flare <3
Where are ya?
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 Year: 178   Season: Spring   $: 0 Tue 07:37am CDT  
 Forecast: Warming, with Sleet and Heavy Icing


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Training updates w/ Belle feat. the others January 29, 2020 11:11 AM

Holly Hill Farm
Posts: 2695
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Welcome to my training updates forum!
~Updates will be posted on days I ride and work with Belle~
About Belle:
Belle is a 13.3hh either 2 coming 3 or 3 coming 4 QH mare (papers were lost somewhere along the way.) She is cutting bred though. Belle was part of a neglect seizure of around 100 horses in her very early stages of life and was among many fancy bred horses. She was adopted by someone a few months later and left for a while to grow. She went to 2 trainers mid-late last year, neither of which could handle her as she was completely unhandled. She then reached the lady we bought her from. Her workers put the first bits of training into Belle and then she bought her. Belle has around 40 days of work undersaddle (not all riding). I traded my gelding for Belle on Monday. She hasn't been ridden in over a month and bucked around the round pen for a while (lol). After that I took her to the arena with people doing the barrels, rolling back up and down the fence and horse's galloping around the pasture to the side. She was super good and we all knew that Belle was coming home with us. I'm so excited for the journey with Belle and I can only imagine the places we'll go together. She's everything i wanted for myself in a forever horse.
Current at home rides: 26 (?)
Upcoming events:

Edited at February 26, 2020 09:54 PM by Moncrief Eventing
Training updates w/ Belle feat. the others January 29, 2020 09:19 PM

Holly Hill Farm
Posts: 2695
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Update #1 (Wednesday, January 29th)
A super chilly second at home ride on Belle. I've ridden her the past two days keeping her mind busy and allowing her to get to know me as her rider and establish a connection. Yesterday was her first ride here and she was pretty nervous and worried about everything else around her. Today I saddled her while she stood like an angel, no whinnying or moving around, which was already a huge difference compared to yesterday. I lunged her (like all young horses) and she trotted and loped super softly and calm for about 3-4 minutes. I set out poles trot and lope over as well. She was great undeesaddle, no silliness, perfect leads, amazing stops and really lifted her shoulders to back up. I gave her loose rein and neck reined around for a while about 30 minutes in. I took her down to the bottom pasture for the first time successfully as she was super spooky and wanted to fly yesterday when the slightest noise arose. All in all a super productive amazing ride and I can see she's starting to trust me and settle in.
We also might be attending a Ranch (Pleasure/Trail/Riding) show this Sunday just to get her and Kitty (my mother's 3 year old mare) out to see the world a little more. They will show in the Green Horse division.
We also came to conclude that Belle is 2 coming 3.
Training updates w/ Belle feat. the others February 26, 2020 09:53 PM

Holly Hill Farm
Posts: 2695
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Update #2 (Wednesday, February 26th)
Tomorrow is my one month "anniversary" with Belle. It's been a very productive past while with her. She's shown me she is an extremely intelligent little mare. In the past 30 days we have:
•Been to our first playday (where we ran barrels)
•Established perfect flying lead changes
•Began the process of collection
•Trail Ridden
•Began english starting dressage and very light jumping at 2'
Yes, I know many many people disagree with jumping 2 year olds but in the long run she is done growing almost completely due to lack of care at a young age (vet checked) and while she is still developing mentally and physically (filling out and establishing better bone structure) I've jumped her maybe once a week very small just as an intro to her future. I've never had an issue with jumping young horses nor has close friends or family so it's not a concern considering the very small amount I have been doing.
I would like to guess and say that I've put 20 rides or more on her in this little while. She gets used like a regular horse would. I work her harder one day then an easy day or a day off after that.
Ive also began liberty which she's taken a liking too!
Not sure when I'll update next but hopefully I'll have pictures:)

Edited at February 26, 2020 09:54 PM by Moncrief Eventing
Training updates w/ Belle feat. the others February 27, 2020 08:59 PM

Posts: 3229
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She sounds so cool!

Forums > The Paddock


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