02:39:51 Wixy / Azi <3
-HEE Click- thoughts ?
Bug in a Rug
02:38:13 Bug | KPH
ooh, wonderful!
02:37:50 Sass
He was up all in Wk 4, so the next two weeks will be interesting
Bug in a Rug
02:37:17 Bug | KPH
not usually, but if they don't go up in something on by wk5 but they do on wk6, they're weak. You want them to go up wk4, 7, and 8.
02:36:23 Kidd
Bug, I didn't think going up in training meant that they were weak in that trait?
-HEE Click- + spd? (and hope the foal misses the rn but gets everything else lol)
02:35:33 Sass
I took a break and forgot anything, then come back and breed a WWW first thing so now I'm trying everything to give him the best shot at the LBs
Valhalla Acreage
02:34:49 Eivor
They go up week 7
Bug in a Rug
02:34:38 Bug | KPH
nope thats good, as if they go up Wk6 they're super weak in that trait :)
02:34:12 Sass
Is it bad if my WWW colt didn't go up anything Wk 6?
Eyrie of the Stars
02:30:46 Eyrie
Grape that looks good with Spd.
Circle Star RIDs
02:25:27 Granny C
I have developed a 'thing' for homo Duns
-HEE Click-
Stormsong Manor
02:22:56 Ven
But on bays and grullos, yes
Stormsong Manor
02:21:57 Ven
I usually reroll it off lighter coat colors because it doesn't look natural. I originally painted an entire coat color with the sooty but then it became its own layer.
Darkside Dreams
02:20:08 Grape | X hoarder
How's this +spd? I think it's my best bet currently(using X studs or TB if if I HAVE to)
-HEE Click-
02:20:03 Mack
Mines got multi colored eyes if you zoom in
New to me anyways
Stormsong Manor
02:19:58 Ven
I did that sooty years ago
02:19:19 Wixy / Azi <3
New sooty?
Oak Ridge Stables
02:19:08 Quinn
I have this badger:
-HEE Click-
02:18:24 Mack
The new sooty is so cool
-HEE Click-
Badger face:
-HEE Click-
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A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 20, 2021 11:36 AM

Thistleberry Farm
Posts: 4433
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i completely agree with Lucky on the bareback thing.
see if you can talk to your intsructor about taking a horse out on your own or with supervision one day.
just use a regular bridle and a bareback pad if you have it, and just walk or even trot around the arena!
i found this helped both me and my horse so much, it improved my seat and leg muscles, and made my horse more sensitive to the slight changes in my seating, such as sitting deeper back to slow down and lighter forward to speed up.
i really reccomend giving it a go!
A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 20, 2021 01:48 PM

Posts: 3312
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Thank you guys for your insight! I would absolutely love to try bareback riding, but unfortunately I don't have the possibility here. The university horses are very "used" so to say, they have a lot of classes every day, and the instructors are also busy. During the afternoon other people come to the arena to train with their own horses. My only choice would be to get extra classes outside university, but I'm not sure if I can afford that >< I'm still searching for other stables in town, though, so I haven't given up hope yet :D
A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 21, 2021 04:13 PM
Former Stable
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if you can't take the horse out by yourself or outside of lessons just see if you can get ready for lessons early, since the horse should have some time in between lessons, then before the lesson you can just drop your stirrups and do some walking and trotting without stirrups

Edited at November 21, 2021 04:17 PM by Thor Valley Stables
A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 22, 2021 08:15 AM

Posts: 3312
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I'm not allowed to take horses out without supervision, especially because I'm a beginner. So as long as the intructors are busy, my hands are pretty much tied x)
I did tell my instructor last class that I want to canter without stirrups though, when he asked how would I like to do it.
A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 26, 2021 08:15 AM

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This week I only had a riding class today. I've been feeling pretty bad in general so I couldn't even go to the theory class on Wednesday :/
Today I got to ride one of the draft horses, she's called Szerkő (it's the name of a family of birds, the march terns). As I was the only one from the "lounge-group" there, one of the instructors took me to a different arena. But I was riding by myself, with the instructor sitting on the side of the arena.
Even the beginning of the class didn't start very easy... First I couldn't find a halter big enough to fit Szerkő, so I kept going around and asking everyone that I met where could I get one. In the end they told me to just put on the bridle and put the reins on her neck because she's a very calm and nice horse so no need to tie her for grooming. I grabbed her bridle and somehow managed to get it on her head. At first the bit went the wrong way so I had to put it again. And I've never even seen such a bridle! The noseband didn't have the usual buckle, but rather, it had to be pulled through a ring then turned back and there was the buckle. Not sure if I can explain it any better. I couldn't even close it because it was too short. And altogether the whole bridle just looked like it was too small. The throatlatch was way too tight, I had to force my fingers between it and her neck. So I thought that this must be a mistake, I went to look for the instructor. A girl from the 3rd year of this course ended up coming with me to help me. She told me that they are aware the bridle is too tight but it is what it is. So we put it on, saddled up, and I was taken to a half-open arena (had only a "tent" roof above but no closed walls).
I was let go by myself, to walk along the walls. The instructor told me many times that this horse has never done anything to anyone and she's a very nice mare, so I guess I must have looked scared or something. I did feel quite lost as we didn't learn in depth about how to control the horse. All I knew was that the horse responds best to your weight, I should use the inside boot and inside rein to "bend" the horse onto the curve, and the outside rein is what controls the speed. I tried my best to focus on my position as well as I'm aware that my foot tends to slide forwad. For a while I only walked, sometimes did a few patterns, then I was asked to trot.
This is where my sense of failure comes from. I've tried my very best to get her to trot, but all I could manage was a faster walking pace. I used both boots and let the reins looser, but she just didn't want to start trotting. We tried to switch directions and go the opposite way, but I remained unsuccessful. For about 10 minutes straight I tried to start her into trot, and failed miserably.
Needless to say I was pretty sad and discouraged when I got off. A more experienced classmate of mine helped with removing the tack and she told me not to be too sad because Szerkő is quite hard to ride, especially without a stick, when it comes to going faster than a walk. I'm trying to tell myself that it's okay and I'll get it next time, but the end of the semester is approaching and I feel like I'm developing the slowest from the lounge-group. Two out of five people were already allowed to ride in class with the others, and the other two girls also look way ahead of me.
A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 26, 2021 08:46 AM

Superior Equines
Posts: 498
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Don't get too down on yourself, everyone has bad days, and from what ive read it sounds like a lot of this was not your fault. I would say a good amount of this blame would be on the riding facility, not having a fitting halter, not having a fitting bridle, and then not giving you what you need to ride. If this was a horse that needs a crop, they're kind of setting you up to be unsuccessful if they throw you up there without one. I would say don't let this ride get to you, riding new horses in general is a huge skill you're learning, and every horse you ride is going to teach you something new. It may seem like a bad lesson to you now, but every ride it's progress!! :)
A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 26, 2021 09:49 AM
Former Stable
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yeah don't let it get to you, they did set you up to fail but part of being a rider is sometimes just figuring some things out for yourself. also did the bridle look something like this?
this is called an X bridle its made to keep the horse's mouth shut it should never be too tight.
A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 26, 2021 10:15 AM

Trivia Team
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It honestly sounds like the trainers in this program aren't very good. I'd never let any of my students go ten minutes asking for the trot and unable to get it- it's bad training for the horse and the rider isn't going to be able to get the trot when they're tired if they couldn't get it when they were fresh. It might be past time to talk to your instructors about what you need help with and see where it goes from there.
A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 26, 2021 12:00 PM

Posts: 3312
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Thank you for the kind words guys <3
The facility is a joke when it comes to equipment. We were told to buy our own grooming kits and even a halter + lead rope. I don't have my own halter and lead rope but so far I could manage with what I found there. I think they didn't give me a crop because I'm a beginner and I don't know how to use it yet. But I'll make sure to memorize this as a learning experience instead of a bad one :D

Superior Equines said:
Don't get too down on yourself, everyone has bad days, and from what ive read it sounds like a lot of this was not your fault. I would say a good amount of this blame would be on the riding facility, not having a fitting halter, not having a fitting bridle, and then not giving you what you need to ride. If this was a horse that needs a crop, they're kind of setting you up to be unsuccessful if they throw you up there without one. I would say don't let this ride get to you, riding new horses in general is a huge skill you're learning, and every horse you ride is going to teach you something new. It may seem like a bad lesson to you now, but every ride it's progress!! :)

No this wasn't the kind of bridle. It was a simple bridle, but the bottom part of the noseband that goes under the chin of the horse was weird, that part of the strap. The buckle was basically on the farther end. It's was so strange I don't even find the words to describe it. If I don't forget I'll take a picture on Monday :D

Thor Valley Stables said:
yeah don't let it get to you, they did set you up to fail but part of being a rider is sometimes just figuring some things out for yourself. also did the bridle look something like this?
this is called an X bridle its made to keep the horse's mouth shut it should never be too tight.

This is the sad part about this university. Only on our class, the 1st year horse breeders (there are 2nd and 3rd year horse breeders there alongside another course, also 1st, 2nd, 3rd year) we're 15 people, and there are only 2 instructors. The lounge group got lucky and we have our own instructor, but he's only at the stable on Monday. So on Fridays we're 15 people for two instructors, therefore they can't pay as much attention to us individually as it would be necessary for such a low skilled beginner like me :/

FirstLightFarms said:
It honestly sounds like the trainers in this program aren't very good. I'd never let any of my students go ten minutes asking for the trot and unable to get it- it's bad training for the horse and the rider isn't going to be able to get the trot when they're tired if they couldn't get it when they were fresh. It might be past time to talk to your instructors about what you need help with and see where it goes from there.

A beginners journey into the "horse world" November 29, 2021 01:09 PM

Posts: 3312
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Today I rode on the lounge and also by myself. From the lounge group only me and my closest friend from class were there, so the instructor had much more time to spend with each of us. We rode the pregnant mare, Udvarhölgy (court lady) again.
My day started pretty bad though, I missed the tram, and the next one I caught broke down after 2 stations and I had to walk all the way out to the stable... 40 minutes of walk in the morning cold xD Even with the tram I missed I would have been late, but like this I was about half an hour late to the class. Thankfully, our instructor was also late, and he was later than me, so it all worked out fine in the end.
My friend already groomed the horse and was waiting for me and the instructor to arrive with tacking up. Shortly after I arrived we put on the saddle, but waited with the bridle a bit longer to put it on only about 5 minutes before the time our instructor was supposed to arrive. He was only a little late from this promise, so we didn't have to wait in the cold too much.
In this facility, every horse has its own bridle and a saddle number. Usually the bridles are not messed with, but today the bridle of Udvarhölgy was too small so we had to let the strap that was holding the bit a little longer.
My friend rode first, and I was sitting by the side of the arena. Since it was just the twp of us, we both got about 30-40 minutes in the saddle. But it was so... SO cold that by the time it was my turn I could only walk like a penguin. Until now I took off my long coat to ride, but today it was just too cold. Thankfully my coat had two zips, and the bottom one could slide up, opening the bottom part of the coat, so it ended up looking kind of like one of those dressage jackets xD
Since my friend cantered before I got on, Udvarhölgy was very keen on cantering again, so her trot steps were also longer and faster, and her general mood to go was there. This was, however, a good thing now, as today I learned about the reins/boots correlation. Even on the lounge I held the reins and I had to control her tempo and step length while maintaining the gait. It was difficult, to keep her steps short but also prevent her from falling back to walk from trot. I had no problem starting her into trot, she's much more responsive than Szerkő. I also learned about general control and bending of the horse: to use stronger boots on the inside while also holding the inner rein firm; and small, gentle pulls on the outer reins to keep her on the circle. I had to do an exercise where I had to start her in trot, go some part of the circle, pick her up into walk, and after 4-5 steps start her into trot again. The main point of this was to find the sweet spot how the horse instantly reacts to what I ask of her and not reacting a few steps later. I found that slowing to walk was almost always instant, but starting to trot was sometimes late.
While still on the lounge I also cantered. In canter I still hold onto the saddle so today's main point was to try and let go of it. I found that letting go with my left hand was always much easier than letting go with the right, no matter which way did we go. I haven't gotten to let go with both hands at the same time, but it's still a progress! Udvarhölgy also slows down to trot by herself after two or three rounds if not encouraged, but since she was already in the mood to go when she *was* kept in canter by the instructor she went super fast. It was an experience still, and I enjoyed it too xD Another strange thing is that Udvarhölgy likes cantering "on the left hand" (not sure if this is the correct English term) and even when asked to go on the right one sometimes she jumps into canter on the left hand still. So technically she's supposed to be harder to ride on the right hand, and yet my sitting was the deepest on the right hand. I was continuously in contact with the saddle, I didn't bump into her back, and it generally felt much better than the other way around.
Once I was let to go by myself I was a little scared of starting her into trot because I thought she might want to canter. But this fear was gone once we went half a round in the arena and I could shorten her trot steps. I was then asked to do a few figures. I had to ride diagonally from one corner letter to the other, then I had to ride some small circles, then a half 8 then a full 8. I also had to slow her to walk, walk a few steps and start her to trot by myself too.
Overall it was a great experience. I still feel like I'm developing a bit too slow and sometimes I lost the outer stirrup as well, but I definitely feel the improvement from when I started.

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