Deeper than expected, but I give that one a 4. Very natural and acceptable fear. Airplane crash
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2. Super unlikely but honestly not a bad way to die, super fast with a great view. Dying of parasites
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1/10 id definitely be on to die with parasites judging by how much time I spend with animals 😂 I fear life after death
1 I am far too curious about it to fear it . Getting a call telling me someone I love has passed
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6/10. I'd hate that, especially since I couldn't be with them. I'd feel guilty for not being there forever. Don't know if this has been said before, but snakes. I'm not scared of them themselves, it's more the fear of being bitten. snake venom acts so fast and if your alone there's nothing you can do but sit there until help comes... scares me.
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3. depends on the place and time of where I'm at. getting in a vehicle accident
2 - Pretty confident in my driving skills and my truck is kind of a tank... I'm afraid of being stalked, either by a human or a coyote (can't go running in my area alone).
Reasonable fear 5/10 . Sharks, Most of the time you can't see them coming ;-;
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7/10 I watch alot of shark attack tv shows and every time i do i feel like i can feel the pain. Being kidnapped and held for ransom O.O
10/10 just the thought of it is terrifying. - bees