7/10 cool song actually! - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EoVQ_TQFJy0&pp=ygUSRW5kIG9mIEJlZ2luaW5uaW5n End of Beginning, i love this song so much that it plays in my head non-stop...lol
Last Man Standing by Livingston It's on Youtube. I love his music so much! He writes about heavy topics like anxiety and how to get through it.
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10/10! Livingston is my favorite artist i also really like Message in a bottle. Fairytale - Livingston
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-787656787677678/10 just no Black Sky - Turnpike Troubadors
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that's some mad disrespect, yo😞😂 3/10
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4/10 a bit samey The Hu Wolf Totem
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6/10 idk its just gonna be six today - Before The Devil Knows We're Dead - Turnpike Troubadors (again lol)
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