@Puck For my tenth birthday I was given hermit crabs from those side shops at the beach and I almost returned them when I was googling their care and realized everything told by the workers was going to kill the crabs in less then a month. Still got the same crabs eight years later in a 75 gallon tank
I miss having a betta. I don't have a ton of extra time right now though so my bird keeps me busy enough. I have a tank in the closet though and hopefully some day I can have one again.
With reptiles you just need to get the heat right which is straightforward if you use a thermostat and so is humidity because you just add water and use the correct substrate.
They're kinda like hamsters, they undersell their lifespan/necessities so people think they're getting into an 'easy' pet. No living animal is really easy.
He's just two. I got him originally to be a class pet last school year. It lasted a semester before I was OVER trying to maintain the tank in my classroom. So he came home to get pampered where I can properly care for him!
I forgot that I changed my stable avi/banner xD I was going through forums and I was like wow, I really like that persons banner and Avi I wonder who it is xD I then realized it was myself >.>
she had a bubbler, heater, good filter, lots of plants and rocks and than I forgot to feed her. For a week. The peppered cory lived though. I feel bad to this day
Hehe my betta boy lives in a 20 gallon he has all to himself, minus a cory and a pleco! (the cory was just added yesterday... he's a survivor of a massive, devastating mistake I made in another tank...)