So someone comes up to me and says 'Why do you always leave things to the last minute?'
And I say, 'It's cause I like to procrastinate, like a lot.'
Then they ask me what procrastinate means, and I go, 'It means... Eh, I'll tell you later.'
This was three weeks ago and I haven't spoken to them since.
Me- "OK, please be easy on me Buddy. We are going to do a nice canter, and impress my friend that came to watch me ride." Horse- "OK, fine." *Bucks me off 5 times.* Horse- "That's for not bringing me treat!"
Me: What does that say? You: It's says "The monster stole your chicken nuggets". Me: "Your mom stole your chicken nuggets"? You: Nope.

Hawk's Rest Ranch said: So someone comes up to me and says 'Why do you always leave things to the last minute?'
And I say, 'It's cause I like to procrastinate, like a lot.'
Then they ask me what procrastinate means, and I go, 'It means... Eh, I'll tell you later.'
This was three weeks ago and I haven't spoken to them since.
Drives me up the wall when people want to "axs" me a question. Or when they talk about "angels" in math-grrr
*When you start thinking what your horse's voice would sound like if he spoke English xD
Me: Aw,hell to the no no xD
*When you watch those cheesy horse movies*
Me: "She's holding the reins wrong."
-1 Hour later-
Me: "How can she still be on this horse?!"

Exactly. *screams at indiana jones* How can you possibly still be alive??? Your reins are too short, and you're spurring the horse and trying to run straight downhill??? XD

Moderator |

Yaaaay we got a puppy! Super excited, and he's so amazing.
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Stormsong Manor said: "Tighten up that leg!!"
"Well your not going to get anywhere if you keep yanking on his mouth!! Give the horse a break!!"