
Administrator |
This week we'd love to know how you manage your Shop! Poll Question: Do you sell items in your Shop?Total Votes: 144
Yes, I sell everything. : | 1 | 1% | | Yes, I only sell what I don't need. : | 83 | 58% | | Yes, I sell everything but Maps. : | 0 | 0% | | No, I hoard my stuff. : | 41 | 28% | | No, I put stuff I don't want in Hidden Falls. : | 13 | 9% | | Other (Describe) : | 6 | 4% | | You have cast your vote.
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I hardly use shop. There's so much out there and really hardly any need for me to purchase or sell cause people don't really buy. Which is fine, I can do crafting and gift stuff if I want.
I sell what I don't need or donate it to others if they can use it when I get premium feature items becasue my account is basic so I don't or can't use it I don't always sell horse captures I use them if I need horses :) but if I don't I sell them I try to hoard captures though cause some are hard to get.
Or I'll sell them if I don't have enough money to use them.

I voted other. I either sell items, put them in the falls or gift them to other players.
I sell pretty much everything besides capture passes, maps, and gold embryo tokens ^_^

I tried to sell in the past, but I only sold a couple items; not a reliable source of income for me, so now I hoard and occasionally drop off at the falls if it's something I don't need.
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I just use it to fulfill quests.

I hoard. A lot of items don't have many uses that players consistently want to do, and therefore attempting to sell them can be troubling due to how many are in the game.
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I have put items in, but I do not think people buy?