
It's literally just whatever I can come up with that sounds cool. Sometimes it involves a parent name just out of random chance but that doesn't normally happen
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I usually go by a combonation of both sides of their parentage, sometimes their actual parents and sometimes grandparents and so on. If I can I'll use those names to tie into a book series or tv show I'm into at the time, lately that means they've been based on the Throne of Glass series lol ♥
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I go through my favorite DA artists, songs, movies, PS5 game themes, etc. It is nothing like anyone else I have seen.
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I keep a list of potential names and then choose at random for new foals. Occasionally, I base names off of a parent if they are a high LB horse I own.
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usually a trait -> translate to greek or latin,then tweak it to sound nice :D for example, Oeia and Oneira, as well as Kordeles :)
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It depends on which account I'm on! Usually I do a mix of parents' names or something based off of the horse's appearance, like "Blurry Blue" for a blue roan horse.

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My favorite lines get names from my fandoms. My splash SH were all Star Wars themed and I've had a number of Legend of Zelda names too.
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I usually combine the parents names, but in regards to captured horses I'll use names of songs on my spotify playlist or use meme references lol
I do a combo of parent's names and random names. Random if they're captured or I can't think of a good combo from the parent's names

For My wild captures I use song titles & sometimes movie titles Otherwise I try to use parent names or ancestral names. Even parent names in a different language from English sometimes if it fits the horse Edited at January 21, 2025 01:46 PM by PK Rescue Stable
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