
Administrator |
These things don't uniquely identify a person: IP address, email address, stable number. The closest thing I can think of it a phone number. If we can't do this, then we can't do this. But I wanted to throw it out there.
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Yeah I may love prizes but my phone number is kept private for a reason. I pay $20 a month to keep it as private. If an email option was available, I'd be all over this but I won't be giving out a private number, regardless of who the site is owned by. All it takes is for one hacker to get by all the safety features and boom, there goes my number's privacy and it costs $90 just to replace the number and or change it. No prize is worth my safety.

Administrator |
You can opt out if you like. Nobody is going to jeopardize your "safety". I have verified this can work for international numbers.
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Cadence Farms said: You can opt out if you like. Nobody is going to jeopardize your "safety". I have verified this can work for international numbers.
I think it's a fun idea, then, since it'll work internationally! . You can always make it an option, and people who don't want in, don't have to be. :) Edited at November 12, 2024 07:02 PM by Versailles
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i`m from austria so tbh only if international numbers would be included :/ and i hope thats possible bc just leaving out international players ain`t it yk edit: just read the part about it being able to work internationally wooooo Edited at November 12, 2024 07:35 PM by Winchester Stables

If we decided to opt out at some point, if we were to opt in (say we decided we did feel comfortable) would we still be able to get the previous prizes?
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Administrator |
No. I will set up a script to process all of the old anniversaries and then that will be it. It will run one time. After that it will process on a day by day basis and send texts for anniversaries that day. Edited at November 12, 2024 08:03 PM by Cadence Farms
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Cadence Farms said: No. I will set up a script to process all of the old anniversaries and then that will be it. It will run one time. After that it will process on a day by day basis.
Ok, thank you <3
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I don't understand what the point of having it be per person would be? you said it's because of people having too many stables, but since stables all have different anniversaries I feel like it would make more sense for it to be per stable. Unless the prizes were something that's generally applied to your game, like a special palete.

Sagebrush said: ~Skye Acres~ said: Out of curiosity, what would having a phone number associated with this site do? Why would I want my phone number associated with this? Also, I have multiple accounts, would this only benefit one or all associated with mine? While I like this idea, Im not comfortable giving out my phone number. Could there be another way to give players a gift, maybe one that they can receive on all their accounts? Why not just give players a gift if that is something you'd like to do? Sorry if I worded this provocatively, that was not my intent. Asking for a phone number raises red flags for me. If the site ever gets hacked then all of our phone numbers will be even more accessable than they already are. I think it would be better given out on each account, because each account will have a different 1 year, 5 year, etc anniversary, and since you can't trade items or benefit your other accounts in any way, shouldn't each account be rewarded?
I also agree with every account due to every account is played as a separate account so why shouldn't it be in entitled to rewards and gifts as such Edited at November 12, 2024 08:03 PM by Rainbow Hills
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