
" because why not use a TB, Wub or AA that's higher on the ABLB and costs way less with a Lplp pattern " . Is really all that needed to be said; you've also just underlined the points I made as well, so I can't really say much else on that. So instead of all of that, why not just retroactively remove Lp from breeds that would not carry Lp (ie: TBs and AAs) moving forward, since realistically "warmbloods" often carry LP patterning in the variety of breeds its intended to represent.

The breeds being talked about don't carry Lp. They can carry PATN. PATN is the gene that makes the 'flash', but it won't do anything without Lp. The breeds are still going to need a LpLp horse for maximum viability, otherwise, there's just going to be a lot of SH being produced. Genetics is still something that's going to have to be paid attention to. If anything, the value of LpLp KNN stallions is going to skyrocket even more than they already have for outcrossing reasons.
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Really interesting reading these discusions. What genetic experts we are! I am going to remember this if the changes go ahead.
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Right, but the point being adressed is that its too lucrative for those breeds (seemingly targeted at TBs) to just allow straight outcrossing. So if you remove something (PATN) that they're (AA/TB) not using, nor should they "have", you're putting forward a more nuanced question than just mashing things together for KNN. Not that it won't happen that way anyways lol, but adding the layer helps prevent some potential spiraling and meaningfully adresses the stated concerns. I think it would be a happy medium if they went for ALL three breeds implemented for crossbreeding, that way the risk v. reward is more "fair". . And yes I misspoke on the Lp; the PATN genes would be the target retroactive removal (from TB/AA), I have a bad habit of shorthanding appy pattern(s) to just LP, mostly out of laziness. Sometimes I forget its technically a pattern and not a coat colour too xD depends on the day.

The Old Gods said: The breeds being talked about don't carry Lp. They can carry PATN. PATN is the gene that makes the 'flash', but it won't do anything without Lp. The breeds are still going to need a LpLp horse for maximum viability, otherwise, there's just going to be a lot of SH being produced. Genetics is still something that's going to have to be paid attention to. If anything, the value of LpLp KNN stallions is going to skyrocket even more than they already have for outcrossing reasons.
Yeah sorry Eury, the Lp is of course meant as Ptn. I'm definitely not a pro at multitasking. ^^ But I still stand with the point, 3 breeds is too much.
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I like that right now, we have breeds you can mix with (nearly) everything, breeds you can mix with one or two other breeds tops, and breeds that stay exclusive. Everyone can pick their favourite 'difficulty'. I started to dabble in KNN, TB and RID for this exact reason, they spice up my main (easy) program of ISH and SH... Voted against the proposed change.

Moderator |
I thought about this for a while and this is the conclusion I've reached. If it were a year or two in the past, I would have voted yes, because KNN have been struggling on the LBs forever. But I'm seeing a movement of people taking them more seriously, in addition to the handful of people who have been devoted to them since day one. They're the most challenging breed in the game because of the color requirements and the lack of outcrossing opportunities. I think it should stay that way. Instead of making it easier for people to jump in with other breeds, let's see even more people taking the breed as it is seriously. Basq is opening doors, and now we have another KNN stud 30-something ABLB. Edited at January 3, 2025 03:20 PM by Stormsong Manor
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Trivia Team |
We have 3 (4) boys on ABLB as we speak... Stormsong Manor said: I thought about this for a while and this is the conclusion I've reached. If it were a year or two in the past, I would have voted yes, because KNN have been struggling on the LBs forever. But I'm seeing a movement of people taking them more seriously, in addition to the handful of people who have been devoted to them since day one. They're the most challenging breed in the game because of the color requirements and the lack of outcrossing opportunities. I think it should stay that way. Instead of making it easier for people to jump in with other breeds, let's see even more people taking the breed as it is seriously. Basq is opening doors, and now we have another KNN stud 30-something ABLB.
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First I want to thank those who liked my idea that I posted for the gentics of a KNNxWB crossing and how it could be played out, but I realized I fubared the gentics since I forgot a few things. Here's the revamp. KNNxKNN (Both parents) = KNN is the same as in the game guide, fillies have the LP comples and colts have LP complex + Patn. If requirements aren't met then SH. KNNxWB (KNN sire WB dam) = KNN foal if fillies have the LP complex and colts have the LP complex + Patn. And no pinto (To, O, Spl, or Sb) genes from the WB parent even if the gene is hidden. KNNxWB (KNN sire WB dam) = WB foal if the foal has pinto or solid genes and no LP or LP+Patn. The foal would only be a SH if it has LP mixed with pinto genes since LP doesn't show up in the WB in game, but Patn does. WBxKNN (WB sire KNN dam) = WB foal if the foal has pinto or solid genes and no LP or LP+ Patn complexs. KNN foal if has only solid color with LP only for fillies or LP + Patn for colts. SH foals if they have LP, LP+Patn with pinto genes. It would still be hard to breed a KNN and it would also be hard to breed a WB cross due to the pinto genes that show up in WBs.

I think if this is introduced, it should only be allowed for WB crosses. As in the RL KNN registry the mares (or stallions) that are already approved for WB registeries can produce KNN when bred to other KNNs (granted foal without color are still KNN but I could see us being flooded with "plain" KNNs, I digress) TB/AA/Appaloosa/PRE mares can be inspected by the KNN registry and approved (or not) to produce KNNs in various books (TB, Arabians can produce main book, other breeds, they must produce filies as the colts wont be eligible - not that its related to this game since we dont have those breeds) if those mares have already been approved by a WB registry then the KNN will not need to inspect... I say all that to say, I think WB should be the only allowable out cross...and TBH I think when the KNNs are plain the foal should be WB not SH (maybe unpopular opinion)
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