I just write little things here a there tell me what you think about them and if you like them I will write more and if you don't I still will Don't be afraid to give suggestions and ideas. -- Romance has a * before it begins Horror has a + before it beings And Adventure has a $ before it beings --------- *(This is male reader x male werewolf) You walked though the tall grass behind your family home.As you inhaled sweet spring scents filled your nose.You smiled before walking farther until you reached the woods.As you walked in the dense leaf coverage overhead blocked out the afternoon sun only having it peak through little gaps in the leafs.You walked into the woods before finding a charming little creek.You decided to take a seat by it.You sat crossed legged watching little salmon swim in the river.A twig snapped before a quiet masculine voice spoke"H-hi,I just wanted to be your friend?..."he fumbled over his words then shook his head taking a seat beside you.You smiled boldly"I'm Y/N, what's your name?"you asked turning to him to examine his features,he had pale blonde hair and his eyes are a deep chocolate brown,his smile is sweet and shy.Your face became flushed as you took in his features and you suddenly blurted out"I'm gay!"he looked a bit surprised"Is that a pickup line?"he asked tilting his head,cheeks full of red."Just call me sometime...."you mumbled pulling a paper out of you pocket and giving it to him.This paper contained your number and your name.You quickly made your way home. Edited at June 3, 2021 08:31 PM by Wild style
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Aww, that is adorable to imagine happening. I don't know why but I actually imagined it from like an animal's point of view, watching that happened while also imagining it as it should be.