Welcome to Dragon Fantasies!
Drakes for Breeding
Lineart by Talun
Current Drakes Available:
Soloris / Drake / Black / Stars - 3 Breedings Open / 15K

There are 5 Regions
Soaring Sky
Dark Forest
Blustering Volcano
Frozen Tundra
Deep Sea
There are different colors and patterns for each region.
How do you attain a dragon?
1. Direct Purchase. You may buy a premade dragon that I will put up on this page. They will always be Draconas. They will always be for 15k.
2. Breeding. If you have a Dracona (female dragon) you may breed with one of my available drakes. You may also breed your own, but your drakes may only breed once. It costs 15k to breed.
3. Capture. Every once in a while, brave Dragon Whisperers will venture out into the 5 regions to capture dragons. You can say when you want them to do this. You can also request gender and what region you want. It costs 20k to capture, or 15k if you are part of that region.
You do not have to choose a region, but if you do, you get discounts on captures from that area.
Please make a post in the forum below with your Dragon Rider name and your region. Example:
Adelle Steele from the Deep Sea Region.
You put your dragons below this.
How do the regions work?
The dragons from each region will look different.
Dragons from the Soaring Sky Region will be varying shades of light blue or the rare black.
Dragons from the Dark Forest Region will be varying shades of green.
Dragons from the Blustering Volcano Region will be varying shades of red or the rare gold.
Dragons from the Frozen Tundra Region will be varying shades of white or very light blue.
Dragons from the Deep Sea Region will be varying shades of blue or the rare black.
Dragons from all regions can come in magical colors, if you get lucky. The Sky region may give you a bright gold. The Sea region may give you any color.
The Mystery region is not open for capture at this time.
Every Dracona is 15k.
They are breedable.
If you want to be a breeder, please make a post with all your dragons posted there.
You can rename your dragons.