Colour Ridge Drafts Colour Ridge Drafts (CRDs) are a somewhat successful experiment to get more.. colourful horses. These drafts are hearty and resilient but have a few.. side effects. - They can come in many colours, along with patterns and mutations. Some of them include; wings, horn(s), and fangs. They stand anywhere from 15.3 to 17.2 hands tall, giving a large range of sizes. | Anything Below or above that by more than .3 hands is unable to be registered as a CRD - Using the chart above is how the colour of the horse is determined. They come in many shades, determined by a number from below 0, up to over 11, though those extremes seem to be capped. The genes then determine the coat and mane colours, the manes carrying their own genes separate from the body, if one of those holds multiple, it seems to be completely random which they express, though some may show more then one. - Example: An Amethyst Tobiano Mare, with a Spinel Mane and Tail (5-Am/am To/to | 10-Pn/Pn) Edited at March 25, 2025 11:47 AM by Colour Ridge Stables
Orders I only have 3 slots at the moment to avoid long wait times, this is PER ADOPT not per person (if someone orders 3, then all slots are filled until they're done!) Slot 1: Open Slot 2: Open Slot 3: Open Waiting List 1: 2: 3: - Prices - Base Adopt Price - 10k + Binoculars - Increased Chance of Mutation + 5k + Quartz - Increased Chance of Lighter Shade + 3k + Obsidian - Increased Chance of Darker Shade + 3k + Bouquet - Increased Chance of White Patterns + 7k + Rose Quartz - Increased Chance of Mare +2k + Malachite - Increased Chance of Stallion + 2k Breeding Base Price - 12.5k + Rose Quartz - Increased Chance of Filly + 2k + Malachite - Increased Chance of Colt + 2k + Tourmaline - Increased Chance of Mutation Passing + 5k + Quartz - Increased Chance of Lighter Foal + 3k + Obsidian - Increased Chance of Dark Foal + 3k - Forum Adopts Stable Name: Stable Number: Number of Adopts: (Max 3 atm) Items (if any): Total Price: Breeding Stable Name: Stable Number: Items: (if any) Stallion Number: (CRD###) Mare Number: (CRD###) Total Price: Please wait for confirmation before sending payment! FAQ - If you adopt more then one(1) adopt, you need to buy more then 1 of the item chosen. Ex: Adopting 3 CRDs but only buying 1 Quartz will mean only 1 of them will have the item applied at random. The same goes with any item.
- If you want to be put on a waiting list just ask and I will add you to it!
- Prices may change slightly, depending on demand, but I want to keep these as affordable as possible! <3
- Please do not resell, but if you want to trade with other CRD owners you can! Just let me know the new owner(s) and stable numbers for tracking!
- You can use these for OCs! I would love to see what you come up with!
- Double Overo ISNT lethal with these, instead it can appear as spots, super high white, or other interesting patterns.
Edited at March 26, 2025 07:42 PM by Colour Ridge Stables
Breeding FAQ - CRDs have breeding 'slots', stallions having 5, and mares having 3. The foal will be instantly grown, so there's no need to wait for it to grow before breeding.
- The mares and stallions mutation has a 25% chance of passing, but if both parents carry it, it's boosted to 75%. If both parents carry a similar gene, then it is 50% of one of either passing (ex: if both parents have a different horn gene, it is 50% of the foal getting a horn, then it is randomly passed down from one parent.)
- The shade of the foal is determined by the parents, with a small amount of randomness thrown in. A number between both parents is randomized, with a +2 and -2 to either side (ex: a 5-shade mare, and an 8-shade stallion can throw anything from a 10 to a 3)
- You can trade/ask to use slots from other users CRDs, just make sure I know its okay with the owner (you can use the forum, or pms)
- Premades Premades have a lower chance of having mutes, white patterns, etc. They'll be priced based on how 'rare' they are, but have a starting price of 10-12.5k (depending on colour and stuff) - A stunning Lazurite Mare, with a Lazurite mane and tail! (CRD006 | B:Ll/ll(6) MT:Ll/ll(2) | 16.3(.8)hh) Adoption Fee: 11,000ebs Edited at March 28, 2025 06:04 PM by Colour Ridge Stables

Stable Name: Fantasy Horses Stable Number: 372161 Number of Adopts: (Max 3 atm) One, please! Items (if any): none =) Total Price: 5k

Stable Name: Nocturnal Creatures Stable Number: 370333 Number of Adopts: 1 Items (if any): Binoculars and Obsidian Total Price: 18k!
Thank you! I'll start on this once payment is sent! <3 Fantasy Horses said: Stable Name: Fantasy Horses Stable Number: 372161 Number of Adopts: (Max 3 atm) One, please! Items (if any): none =) Total Price: 5k
Perfect! You can send payment <3 Nocturnal Creatures said: Stable Name: Nocturnal Creatures Stable Number: 370333 Number of Adopts: 1 Items (if any): Binoculars and Obsidian Total Price: 18k!

Rumble Team |
Stable Name: Mossy Lane Stables Stable Number: 325753 Number of Adopts: 1 Items (if any): Binoculars Total Price: 15k
Thank you <3 you can go ahead with payment when ready Mossy Lane Stables said: Stable Name: Mossy Lane Stables Stable Number: 325753 Number of Adopts: 1 Items (if any): Binoculars Total Price: 15k
Opening 2 more temporary slots until the finished CRDs are sent out <3