
Could I capture from the East? Dark purple with a gold mane/tail, definitely wouldn't mind roan ;)

Could I breed Tenna to Everial? Sending EBs once confirmed!

Dear Lady Winter of the West, My royal horse capturers have returned with a regal mare. Mare | Purple Roan / Gold Maned Your Queen, Freya
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Dear Dame Cass of the East, I am pleased to inform you that your breeding was most successful. Also, it seems a little discovery has been made! Your cross produced a tri-colored horse! This is a rare occurence certainly, but one I hope we shall see more often in the future. Mare | Neon Tri-Color | Light Slash Your Queen, Freya
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My loyal subjects, The redheaded men in green (now called Leprechauns) have made quite a mess for me! They have turned over half of the population of wild mares into stallions! So, I am sending you out once again. If you would like to capture a stallion, please let me know from which region. These stallions, oddly enough, carry mostly medium or etreme patterns. The stallions from the meadows are tri-colored. Only one stallion capture per person. Also, since there are so many, you are welcome to clarify which pattern you would like. Colors are random. This event will last until April 1st. Your Queen, Freya Edited at March 18, 2025 05:31 PM by Galloping Graces
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Lady Sparkles of the West I'd like to capture a stallion from the South, one with a slash pattern would be nice. Thank you <3

You really don't make self control easy do you XD --- I'll capture a stallion from the East, an emboss pattern would be nice! <3 EBs sent once confirmed!

I'll capture a stallion from the West, constellate please! Sending EBs once confirmed

The Elusive SilverSoul of the South ---------------------------------------- May I capture a stallion from the South? - Marble pattern please -- Total: 20k Ebs sent: Y/n Edited at March 18, 2025 09:03 PM by SilverSoul
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Lady Steele of the East {}+{}+{}+{}+{} May I please capture using the Special Capture Event. A dark grey color with black mane and tail. Roan would be great <3 Sending EBS once confirmed. Edited at March 19, 2025 10:31 AM by Wild West Warmbloods
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