I've just recently got an account on here and my stable is already full! I need some help earning some ebs so I can buy a new stable, a couple pastures and arenas, and some crop fields. Basically, I need something to do so I can earn some ebs quick to keep my stables running smoothly. My computer broke down on me so unfortunately art is out of the question for the time being, but I'm willing to do anything else! Only problem is, I don't know what I'm good at! I'm also holding an auction but so far only one person has bid. If anyone wants me to do something for them, you might have to explain to me how to do it. I might be able to find horses and people for you, but that's pretty much it. Any suggestions?

Show, show, show and show again
Buckleaze said: Show, show, show and show again
Okay! I shall take your advice!