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Has anyone ever had this happen before on an AD stallion or mare? I've personally never seen it. I've had plenty of W11s happen, but W10?! Edited at August 27, 2018 07:05 AM by Stormsong Manor
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Yes I had this mare here: https://horseeden.com/horse.php?id=15586747
You can check out her weird training in the comments. :D
She ended up on the AALB
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Aahh, another one! She is lovely. :)
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Fingers crossed your boy does better than her! (not that she's bad)
He's quite handsome. <3
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Yeah I had a PEE filly go up in scope week 10, and Sturmhand (I believe) went up week 10. Just like a week 7, really.
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I would paste the link but phone is fussy. My boy Sturmhund also went up wk 10.