I've got a match that I'm rather excited about planned, and my WWW will be a freshman, so I'm quite excited for tomorrow! I also actually have a reasonably sized budget for once which helps XD
Aw that sucks :/ hopefully my trip to Greece in June isn't cancelled ;-; 5k+ trip right there, I'd be getting my money back but still I wanna go to Greece so bad lol
I am hoping it isnt too! That would suck! But you can see if Greece is/isnt effeced on maps and I am not seeing much of anything there so you might be fine. Its just a matter of where you live and how the virus progresses.
Wild Jeeze!! I know that at my old college in Australia, they have a yearly China trip and they were over in China when the ban was placed from what I heard. I have no clue what happened after that but I do know that alot of people have been put on Nauru. I am hoping they havent been put there though.
If you have/had a scope glass then that would be a little more promising but I don't really know since the remarks on the TB are confusing. But I'd say that they might do okay.