
No posting unless you are in the title! Have an amazing day!
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Cadence Smith Age: 21 Gender: Female Height: 5' 9.5" Appearance: Tall, slight hourglass shape, carries herself well Hair: Brunnette Eyes: Blue/green Piercings: Ears Tattoos: A rose on the left wrist Good Traits: Loyal, steadfast, coordinated, focused Bad Traits: Snappy, short-fused Habits: None Significant Other: None Backstory Summary: Grew up with 2 brothers and her parents either constantly gone or yelling at her. They were horrible alcoholics, never knowing when to stop and also encouraging Cadence and her brothers to drink. She had a dog as a little kid, and wished she could have gotten another pet but knew her parents would most likely hurt it if she did ~~~~~ Horse: Name: Happy Go Lucky (Lucky) Age: 12 Breed: Pintaloosa Style of riding: Western/barrels Edited at January 30, 2025 02:57 PM by Blue Diamond
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Ares Stone Age: 22 Gender: Male Height: 186cm (6'2 I think) Appearance: Ares is a tall man, with a muscular appearance suited to his physical labour Hair: Black Eyes: Dark brown Tattoos: none Good Traits: Calm, furiously loyal and gentle. Bad Traits: Emotionally shut off, aggresive when angry Habits: A habitual cleaner, likes to keep things tidy. Significant Other: None Backstory Summary: Beaten and abused as a child, ran away from home as a child and was taken in by a couple who had children of their own. His adopted family rode horses, and competed in eventing so he grew up doing that. Fell in love with ranching, and moved out at 19 to try work at a ranch. ----- Horse: Name: Boy Age: 9 Breed: Quarter horse x Thoroughbred Apprearance: https://pin.it/D1RpWWc0c Style of riding: Both english and western. Mostly ranch work. Description: Boy is a fast, quick moving, bomb proof horse that Ares has had since birth. Born on Ares mothers yard, the two have grown up together.

I'll start) Cadence drove back home after making a grocery run for her family. She'd been awaiting the arrival of Ares since she'd found out he was going to be the new ranchand a few weeks ago. They'd been friends basically since they were kids and she had missed him in the last few years she'd been in the army. It had been brutal with minimal communication to her family and friends. She sighed, hopping out of her old truck and heading into the massive log-cabin home her family had. She twisted the bronze doorhandle and listened for anyone who may be inside. Nothing.. She sighed again, this time with relief, as she placed the groceries on the counter and began putting them away
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The trailer jigged smoothly behind the truck, as Ares watched in the rearview mirror. He had been worried the trip across to the ranch would be too much for Boy, his eyes constantly flicking from the road to the mirror. They'd been driving for almost an hour, when the ranch fields came into view. He loved the place, he had known it for most of his life. Looking through the fields and paddocks, he grinned as he spotted the main gate, and with the crunch of tires over gravel, he pulled into the driveway.
The trailer jigged smoothly behind the truck, as Ares watched in the rearview mirror. He had been worried the trip across to the ranch would be too much for Boy, his eyes constantly flicking from the road to the mirror. They'd been driving for almost an hour, when the ranch fields came into view. He loved the place, he had known it for most of his life. Looking through the fields and paddocks, he grinned as he spotted the main gate, and with the crunch of tires over gravel, he pulled into the driveway.

A smile quickly showed itself on Cadence's face as she heard a truck and trailer pulling in, making her rush to shove the last bag of groceries away. She quickly put her loose hair into a messy bun before heading outside to greet Ares
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Boy offloaded smoothly, although his neck and flank pricked with a thin sweat, he was still very calm. Ares gave the beautiful red bay a scratch between the eyes, and set him in a paddock. The gelding kicked his legs up, and took off flying across the grass, a trail of dust behind him. Grinning, Ares turned to see one of the younger boys pulling the truck and trailer away, and with a tip of his hat he thanked him. He wiped his hands on his jeans, walking up to the porch of the main house. Nerves tickled his insides, excited to see his old friends.

Cadence grabbed the door as she heard him coming up the porch steps. "Hey" She said, smiling happily
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He stood on the steps, his eyes looking at the young woman in front of him. She'd grown out of her girlish features, he noted she looked more serious now, her time away had helped her grow up. "Hello you, long time no see." He smiled at her, "When did you get back?"