Sage sort of sighed when the girl said she'd get something. "You dont have to-" he stopped when she was already heading out with a huff of air, and then a soft chuckle. He didn't mind...but he also didn't want her to think he was pathetic. He pondered this sort of thing until her words brought him out if his mind and he moved to sit up with a wince. "Thanks," he noted, moving to scoot over slgihtly so she had room to sit down and then starting to eat. He did try to take it somewhat slow, but he was absolutely starving....morphing took a lot of energy, so he was normally really hungry the next morning. The bowl was gone pretty quickly, and he sat back with a content sigh. "best war-based-cafeteria-breakfast I've ever had," he chirped. It was also the only one....but whatever.
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Florida opened her mouth a few times, but she never actually said anything. eventually she found her voice "I should've expected you to eat it all" she teased lightly, holding up her spoon. "i'll get something else for myself. Do you need anything else?" She stood, her legs shaking a little. Her brown hair had fallen from her ponytail and was now falling over her shoulders
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Sage had wrinkled his nose slightly, somewhat embarrassed that she hadn't eaten anything. "If you wanted some I would've let you eat it," he noted lightly but grunted and moved to try and stand again in response to her other comment. "Yeah. I need to check on my patients," he noted, looking around for a moment before sighing. "There might be crutches or a wheelchair in the hallway...see if you can find one for me," he mused, though it was more of a will you do this to help me out sort of question than and instruction or anything.
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Florida smiled a little, pleased to have a purpose. She found a crutch in one of the rooms. "the doctors that left must have taken the others." She handed him the one crutch then went to the kitchen to scounge up something to eat
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Florida smiled a little, pleased to have a purpose. She found a crutch in one of the rooms. "the doctors that left must have taken the others." She handed him the one crutch then went to the kitchen to scounge up something to eat
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Sage did his best to meet the girl at the door, and took the crutch gratefully when she handed it over. He still hurt, sure, but the crutch helped. And once the pain meds kicked in he could limp around well enough with the thing. He managed to get through most of his patients ok while the girl was eating, and most of them were still alive, so was feeling pretty good about things. Well...as good as he could feel about things while they were in this situation.
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Florida munched on a peice of bread and some peanut butter she had found. She hadn't found jelly and it made her sad. When she finished, she skipped down the halls then followed the sound of the crutch against the tile floor. "Hey Sage. How is everyone?" She looked at a patient and wished she hadn't seen the green hue in his skin "is that guy okay?" she mumbled, sheilding her eyes away and focusing on Sage
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Sage had made his rounds slowly, glancing over at the girl when he heard her come up by him. "Oh, they're about the same," he mused. "Except your friend....she's started triggering the vent, which means in the next few days hopefully she'll be able to breathe on her own." It was good news...it meant she was getting better. Though he moved to pull the sheet over the man's body he was with now and grunted, glancing at his watch. "Time of death is 11:32," he noted, mumbling to himself as he noted it down on his chart with a slight sigh. "He's been going downhill for a while," he murmured. "Sometimes a doctor has to make decisions on who he can save based on the resources he has. I couldn't keep his heart going any longer," he added, moving out of the room after a slight heasitation. "I'll bury him later," he added, hoping he'd feel better by that night.
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she tried to hide the joy in her tone "So she's alive and well?" she bit her lip when Sage pulled a sheet over the mans head. "that;s so sad... how will family find out?" she asked quietly. She stood with hr arms folded over her chest, her hair flicked over her shoulder.
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Sage nodded to the girl, giving her a sort of smile despite the circumstances. "Within a few days I should be able to untube her if she continues to do this well," he told her, glancing back at the man with a sigh. "Doesn't have any. Wife died a few years back and daughter and son were killed in the same car crash he wound up like this in," he murmured. "Drunk driver," he added, shaking his head. "Forget showing people cars that have been smashed by a drunk driver, I'm ready to show people what happens when they hit other people," he noted. "Maybe if they see us have to crack someones chest open with a hammer and chisel they'll rethink their life choises," he added with a snort, moving down to the couch so he could sit down.
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