The woman gave him a small chuckle before giving a small nod. "Go upstairs and get ready, I'll be up in a bit, yeah?" She asked him with a smile, finishing her cleaning up before going to meet him upstairs. She found him sitting in the bath before grabbing the shampoo for him. "Go for a walk to something tomorrow... you need to keep moving," she mused as she settled down in the chair next to the bath tub.
Sage had nodded in response to Maris comment, moving up the stairs stifly and easing himself into the tub once the bath had been set up. He leaned his head against the tub, and had quite honestly almost fallen asleep by the time Mari had gotten up. Though, when he heard her come in he gave her a small smile and worked at sitting up with a grunt, nodding in response to her comment then settling down as she scrubbed at his head. "I'll go visit the horses," he mused. "I'm sure there's been foals born I have to meet still," he noted lightly.
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The woman nodded in agreement before sort of helping him out the bath. She wrapped him up in a towel before pecking his cheek. "Yeah, go meet the foals," she chirped to him, offering him a clean set ot pajamas. "How you feeling now? Water make any difference?" She asked happily before moving to help him into bed.
Sage grinned over at Mari lightly when she wrapped him up in the towel, much like she did for the kids in the past. "A little less sore," he mused. "More sleepy," he added with a slight chuckle, moving to dry off and get dressed before letting mari brush out his hair and tie it up before wandering over to the bed, passing out rather quickly once he settled in.
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The woman gave a small smile to him before giving a happy grin. "I'm glad. Hopefully your chest will loosen up in the next few days. And hopefully you get a little more energy too," she mused softly to him, and went to get showered and dressed after a littlr while, heading back to bed once she was done. She sort of looked at Sage when she noticed he was asleep, and gave a small chuckle. She sort of cuddled into him, burying her nose into his chest as she drifted off.
Sage had nodded in agreement to her comment, grunting slightly. "Once it scabs over and starts to heal I'll be fine," he mused. "It's just fresh at the moment," he added, though it was sort of slurred as he was quite tired by then. Of course, a good night's sleep would help with that, so he was more than happy to pass out. When he woke the next morning, Mari was already gone, and he rolled over with a sort of groan, laying around for a while before he decided he was hungry. So, he crawled out of bed to get ready in the bathroom before wandering downstairs, greeting the kids when they ran for a hug before they ran outside to do...whatever they were doing in the front yard. Then he moved give Mari a quick hug and peck on the cheek before plopping down into a chair with a sigh.
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The woman woke up early the next day, then sort of moved to get breakfast and things for the family. She sort of groaned when the kids got up, though greeted them happily and then did the same at her husband. "Morning you," she chirped when he hugged her. They ate quickly before moving to plop down on thr couch next to him. "You wanting to rest or go out? You look tired," she murmured softly to him, though she was a bit worried. It couldn't be normal for him to be so tired just because his stitches were out.
Sage had grinned over at Mari happily in response to her greeting, moving to peck her cheek when she settled down by him. "Just waking up," he mused lightly. "I'll eat and then go out to the barns for a while," he mentioned with a sort of shrug. "gives you time to find me the best anniversary present ever," he added with a teasing wink. That was tomorrow.....it had seemed like they'd been married forever, but at the same almost like they were still newlyweds. He still felt as excited to be her husband as he had been when they'd sealed the bond all those years ago. But really ...he didn't expect anything. Especially now that all their money was being closely regulated, as he couldn't do anything but paint.
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The woman gave a small chuckle to him before moving to peck his cheeks lightly. "Alright " she chuckled. then patted his chest. "Well... what would you like? We already have everything we need," she mused gently to him after a moment, though did look curious. She wasn't at all sure what he could possibly want, but she supposed she'd have to find something. She pouted at him gently. "I'll figure something out," she mused before shaking her head a little.
Sage had chuckled lightly in response to her comment, grinning over at her in response to her kiss as he sort of half flopped over into her side. He shook his head when she asked him what he wanted though, humming lightly. "You don't need to buy me anything," he noted, though the thought that she wanted to do something nice for him was always welcome. "You already give me more than enough," he added lightly, moving to grab an apple from the bowl on the table next to him and then flopping back down into her side happily.
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