
Sage was more than fine to just conk out once he lay down and curled up with Mari. He wasn't sure if she wanted to talk or anything...but his tired mind didn't put too much thought into it before he fell asleep. When he woke, he was pleasantly surprised to see Mari still relaxed there with him ...normally she'd be up by now, caring for the kids and such, so it was nice to be able to curl up and wake up with her, breathing in her scent and curled up in her warmth. Which was exactly what he did.
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The woman gave a small smile when she felt him shift, and sort of moved to run a hand gently through his hair. She was pretty awake by now, though was happy just to settle down around him. Relax, she supposed. A soft sigh escaped her after a moment, and she found herself just sort of watching him. He was so quiet now. He seemed calm. She had to admit, she'd spent so many years worrying about him that now, when everything was finally calm, she could relax a little. He looked so at ease, and it was nice to see.
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Sage sort of let out a sleepy (and crackly) hum whens he felt Mari curl up again and run a hand through his hair. It was always nice...the little touches that just showed how much she loved having him there with her. Because even after all these years, he was quick to go back to old habits and old ways of thinking. He did his best to ignore them, of course...he knew she'd never leave or hurt him in any way, but the back of his mind still whirled with old thoughts from time to time. Which was why times like this, when he was perfectly at ease and happy, relaxed her with her, he was so happy. He simply nestled in a bit more, letting out a sleepy huff of air as he settled again against her.
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Mari smiled slightly at his little hum, sort of shaking her head gently before pecking his forehead. She just wanted him to relax a little. She had a feeling that he wouldn't get much rest over the next few weeks... and it did worry her, but she was glad he could help the throne where necessary. She gave the boy a little grin after a moment, though when he settled in moved to wrap her arms around him loosely... she was really just happy to have him with her. She was happy he felt so comfortable with her. He hadn't had any nightmares in... well, it had been a long time now. She supposed it had been a while since any of those things had happened, but it still affected him. Edited at August 13, 2024 01:45 PM by Belle
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Sage felt a sort of half asleep smile form on his face when he felt the girl peck him and wrap her arms around him, more than happy to just nestle in and let himself drift in and out of sleep, in the sort of half awake half asleep stage as he slowly woke up. He sort of mumbled some form of a goodmorning after a while of just laying there, though he was definitely still mostly asleep. That was ok though... they could stand to have a alzy morning if that's what they wanted to do. The kids would be sleeping a bit later too, most likely, since they were tired from the day before, so there was no reason for them to get up any time soon. It was certainly nice to wake up knowing there wasn't soemthing to do or somewhere to be. Of course, he loved their family and the life they'd built for themselves here, but moments like these were few and far between with a house to run, and the kids, and a job. Amber seemed to know the moment he woke though, as she'd hopped onto the bed quickly after hed mumbled his goodmorning, nestling into the warmth with them. (not me completely forgetting about the cat again LOL)
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(Lmao I do that so much) Mari felt a little smile cross her face when Amber hopped up, and sort of moved to pet her before rolling onto her back and letting out a soft breath of air. They had a lot going on... and she normally tried her best to help so that they could get everything done in good time, but every now and then they got time just to relax. She loved that time. She was normally the first up out of the two of them, but honestly getting to be up and relaxing was lovely. She rolled her head to look back over at Sage, who was still half sleep and couldn't help but press a light kiss to his lips. She was so lucky to have him... he'd helped her make their little family, and because of him they got to live so comfortably. More comfortable than she'd ever thought she'd be. He was so... perfect. Perfect for her, she supposed.
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(poor Amber ahaha) Sage had sort of lifted an arm so Amber could curl up in their little pile, letting out a sort of whine when Mari flopped over, limpeting into her side lazily, pulling the cat along with him. He sort of hummed lazily when Mari kissed him, and he opened his eyes to sort of blink up at her with his normal crooked grin, tucking his face into the crook of her neck with a sigh. He supposed he should start to make some sort of effort to wake up...they did need to get moving at some point, but he could have a lazy morning with his wife if he so pleased. And the cat too, he supposed. The cat was also nice.
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(She's been completely neglected haha) The woman sort of chuckled when he grinned at her, though wrapped an arm under his head to sort of continue playing with his hair. She grinned as the cat made herself comfortable , and went to scratch her cheek which earned her a happy purr from the animal. She looked up at the ceiling after a moment, though. She was worried about the next few months. It would be a lot... they'd be dragged into things one way or another. Especially with Sage checking up on things more often too. She sighed and sort of shook her head. She didn't want to think about that. It was a very chaotic line of thoughts, and she knew she didn't want to ruin the peace she was feeling.
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( yeah 💀) Sage half lifted his head so she could slide her arm under it, humming lightly when he felt her continue to play with his hair. He'd always liked that, for whatever reason...he wasn't sure why, but it just felt nice. Though, he sort of cocked his head at her sigh, humming lightly, alibet slightly groggy still. "what's on your mind," he mused in a sort of question-like tone. "Hopefully not you getting jealous of the cat again," he teased lightly, voice still heavy with sleep.
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The woman sort of jumped when she heard his voice, really not expecting him to be up just yet... not enough to talk at least. She gave a sheepish grin and sort of shook her head, letting her fingers trail along the back of his neck gently as she thought. She shook her head a little, a small smile crossing her face. "Just thinking. I've got a feeling we've got a rough couple of months with all this. I think we're gonna get dragged into this throne stuff," she murmured gently before looking over at him with a soft smile, then glanced at the cat with a small chuckle. "And of course im very jealous of the cat," she mused softly before pouting at him. "You move her around like a rag doll. I wish you'd do the same to me," she teased gently.
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