
Sage offered the girl a smile in response to her little grin....it was good that she seemed genuinely happy to see him. Last time, she hadn't been, and he had, admittedly, been worried this time would be the same way. Though, he hummed lightly in response to her comment, pausing in slight surprise when she practically melted into him, but then resumed the small motions. If it made her feel better and relax a bit, he could help her out a bit. "Why don't you stop by the doctor's? He could give you something to help you sleep," he noted, cocking his head slightly. "He probably has something to help your stress levels go down a bit too," he thought out loud after a moment. "Of course keeping your desk neater will help too. We can work on that while I'm here, yeah," he mused, looking down at her. He was glad to be with her though, and glad she was getting better, even if it was slowly. It was a good sign.
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Anya sort of just sat there in a bit of a slump for a moment, then looked over at him with furrowed brows. She wasn't sure what she wanted to do... admittedly, she just wanted to sit up here. Though, she was wasting away. She sort of liked it. She was just doing her own thing and slowly working through everything... but she supposed being able to sleep and eat would help the matter. She looked over at the man and let out a soft breath before nodding. "Yeah, yeah okay," she muttered before sort of moving to sit up. "I hate that old man," she huffed as she sort of moved to put some shoes on. Hee vision blurred for a moment, though soon settled down. She glanced at the rest and shook her head. "Sage I don't want to sort it out today," she complained in a rather childish fashion.
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Sage sort of just blinked down at Anya, waiting for her answer. He wasn't going to push her to do anything besides take care of herself....if she refused the doctors help that was her choice. But Mari was right....getting something to eat least help her sleep would help...well, everything else. He nodded when she reached for her shoes though, patting her shoulders gently before releasing her so she could move around and actually put her shoes on. "At least do half of it then," he noted, putting his hands on his pockets and shrugging. "Or clean up the rest of the room a bit," he suggested. It was hard to work in a messy environment. There was a different between organized chaos, as he liked to call it, and just....messy. honestly, the girls room had become rather gross, and coming from him he supposed that was a lot. But he certainly wasn't the one to judge....he just wanted to help the girl out a bit.
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The woman sort of just looked over at him groggily before letting out a soft breath of air. She still wasn't thing straight, and her head was pounding... but she supposed she was doing a little bit better. She slipped away to put some shoes on, and grabbed a jacket to keep her warm. It wasn't super cold out... but she was feeling a chill. A soft sigh escaped her after a moment, and she sort of moved to look over at him with pinched brows. "Fine," she eventually muttered. She could admit, the place was a little bit... cluttered. She normally had someone who would come in and tidy up a little while she was out... but she was spending so long in her room that they couldn't quite do it now. Well, that or they were just too busy... both were valid, she supposed. The thought amused her a little, though after a moment she sort of moved towards the door. "You're making me do it, so you have to help," she eventually demanded, by then wandering towards the doctors office. She'd always dreaded seeing the man. She'd known him... well, forever. She still didn't particularly enjoy his company, even less now than ever she supposed.
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Sage nodded in agreement when the girl said they could clean up the room a little bit, at least. He figured he could at least sort through some things on her desk for her again...maybe do half, and let her finish the rest later. Though, when she said he'd have to come along, he nodded and waved her onwards. "I'm right behind you," he noted. "I'm not here to just boss you around you know," he he added, raisign his eyebrows slightly. It might feel that way, a little bit, but it was all trying to help her, and he thought she knew that deep down...otherwise she wouldn't be listening to him. She'd have kicked him out by now, in all honesty, given some of the things she'd told him when he'd first started coming by.
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The woman gave a sort chuckle when he told her he wasn't trying to boss her about. She certainly wasn't seeing it that way. Well, she wasn't sure how she saw it, but it was more like he was trying to boss her about than anything. It was a weird feeling. "Sage you've barely come over in the last few years, and now you've been here the last few days just to tell me what to do. You're definitely bossing me around," she mused, really finding the whole thing a little bit ironic. She was only really letting him help her because she knew she needed the support... and well, the company was nice. Soon enough, they'd made it to the doctors, where she sort of just slumped down on one of the couches while they waited for the doctor.
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Sage had hummed in response to her comment, tossing her a sort of look with raised eyebrows. "I've stopped by more than what counts as barely," he noted with a sort of snort. "You know I just want you to get through this," he added gently, sitting down next to her with a sigh. When the doctor wandered in a few moments later, the old man wrinkled his nose slightly. "What did you do now," he sort of grumbled, to which sage chuckled and shook his head. "It's you lucky day...I didn't do anything," he noted with a slight tone of amusement, before looking at Anya expectantly. He wasn't going to tell the doctor about her problems....she had to do that.
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The woman sort of chuckled sarcastically before shaking her head. "That's not true. You've stopped by to see the doctor," she mused before sort of wandering along close to him until they finally plopped down. She shrugged in response to his comment, an amused sort of expression crossing her face. "I'm sure you do," she eventually muttered to him, though the doctor soon showed up. She sort of wrinkled her nose at him, then rolled her eyes when Sage looked at her. "He did something... forcing me down here," she snorted before pinching her brows together. "He thinks you need to help me," she then added
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Sage didn't say anything when she didn't acknowledge his want to help. She just made it seem like she didn't want his help. Or that she only believed he was there for some personal gain of his. And it quite honestly hurt....but that was his biggest flaw, he supposed. She could hurt him, over and over again, and he'd still come crawling back to her, just in case it was a good day and he got something a little bit better from her. He certainly wasn't proud of it....but that's how things always turned out. He blinked when he heard any speak again, the conversation drawing back to the present. The doctor had sat down in his chair, humming in thought. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong," he told the girl gently, sitting back and simply waiting for her to explain. Sage kept quiet too, but stuck close to her, doing his best to support her.
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The woman raised a brow when he asked her what was wrong. In truth, she didn't really know what was wrong. She knew that something wasn't right. She knew that no matter what she did, there was an unbearable amount of weight on her shoulders, and her just being sat in this room infront of both Sage and the doctor just made it heavier. It made her chest tighten, and her heart started to race in a way she couldn't control. A lump formed in her throat, which made her voice croak when she finally started to speak. She didn't know what was wrong, but this wasn't right either. She opened her mouth to speak, though her voice cracked before she tried to draw in a little bit of a breath, though she sort of just wheezed. "I don't know," she eventually pushed out, though by then she was just starting at the floor trying to pull in a little bit of a breath.
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