Sage hummed lightly in response to her first comment, nodding along. "It's true," he murmured. "We can all see it. And even the best people sometimes need help," he noted, looking over at her. "It's stronger to ask for help when you need it rather than try to deal with it yourself knowing it'll wind up badly. Just part of leadership," he pointed out. Though, at her next comment he snorted, of course it was more in amusement than anything. "Oh, I'm nice enough to people. Mari trained me not to go all ape shit if they look at me the wrong way, don't worry," he chuckled, though there was a certain degree of truth to it all. He grinned over at the girl when she said she'd missed him too, nodding. "well, I plan on continuing to come over here and bother you, so you'd better get used to it," he chirped, before moving to start cleaning up the things they'd taken out of the basket, as they'd have to head back inside soon.
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Anya felt a silly little smile cross her face after a little while. She had to admit, she was just glad to be relaxing here for a bit. And Sage showering her with compliments was nice to hear too. She didn't really believe all of it, but she also knew he wouldn't say anything unless he meant it. She knew she didn't really want the help, but really spending a bit of time with someone had been nice. It was nice that it was Sage, too. "Well, I know where you are if I need you," she mused softly, though her nose scrunched up after a moment. She didn't really know where he was, actually. She'd never been to visit him. She then shrugged. "She sounds good for you," she mused, though started helping him tidy up after a moment. "It might take a while for me to get used to you, you know. I don't often get visitors just because," she mused lightly.
Sage had hummed softly in response to Anyas comment, nodding along. She'd never actually been to his house ...but he'd given her the address a while back, and the doctor and some of the maids who were Maris friends had it, so really she could get it if she needed to easily. "you should come over for dinner sometime," he suggested with a shrug. "take a break one day, sort of like this." He could talk with Mari about it....the two women weren't exactly best friends, but they were friendly to each other, and it might do Anya some good to get away for an afternoon. There time outside had certainly helped. Besides ....he sort of wanted to show her around. See what he'd been able to somehow fanangle into existence. Anya had been the only one to ever see him at his worst, in the slums. So he wanted to show her his family, his home. He was proud of it. "yeah," he hummed happily, a sort of grin forming on his face as he pictured his wife's face. They'd cleaned up by then, so he grabbed the basket and stood, grinning at her in response to her last comments. "Well I'm not one to conform to the normal," he mused. "so you'll have to deal with it," he added with a chirp, starting to wander back towards the castle.
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The woman raised a brow at him after a moment before shrugging. "Maybe, we'll see," she mused softly to the boy before moving to help him out. "Could be nice, as long as you're all happy for that to happen," she hummed happily. She looked down before standing up. "I really do have to get going now though," she mused softly. She sort of smiled at him after a moment and gave a small chuckle. "Not, you're certainly not," she laughed quietly before shaking her head again. "It's not a bad thing. If you did conform, you'd be living a really different life," she mused softly. She wandered along next to him until they reached the door, and sort of patted his shoulder lightly. "I'll see you," she hummed before wandering back towards her room.
Sage chuckled softly and shrugged in response to her comments, nodding his head after a bit. "I'll talk with Mari, see when it might be good and I'll get back to you," he chirped before nodding when she mentioned getting going, and scooped up the basket, grinning over at the girl when she agreed he hadn't exactly confirmed to society. "I'm leaving that to the imagination," he chuckled before giving the girl a sort of brotherly peck on the cheek at her goodbye. "I'll be back soon enough. Keep up the good work," he mused lightly before wandering to put their basket and such away before moving to grab his colt and lunge him for a while before attempting to mount up again. It took him a decent amount of time to get up in the thing, but he managed it soon enough. It was certainly a workout, keeping this one in line enough to ride him.
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The woman smiled at him, though soon disappeared into the castle. She'd been to a couple of dinners with suitor over the last few weeks, and in truth she'd never really liked them. She only got on with Luther because she'd grown up with him, and even then they didn't get along that well. They were just friends, she supposed. The people she'd met with had very different views, and she didn't think they could rule together. In truth, she didn't really need anyone else... but it was what she'd been prepared for. She was supposed to have someone helping her, and they did need a legitimate heir. So, she supposed she could at least see to whoever wanted to visit.
Sage headed off home after a bit though, he did pause the colt to say goodbye to att on his way out. Well....paused may not have been the best word, since the colt never really stood completely still, but whatever. He paused enough for his level of training and also his rediculous energy level. He was back home soon enough though, and put the rack away before washing off the horse. At least that went relatively well once he realized the hose wasn't actually going to eat him alive. He had also been soaked by the time he'd gotten him sufficiently washed off and back in his stall, but greeted Mari happily before moving to change into dry clothes, eventually wandering back downstairs to where his wife was at happily.
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Mari wandered around the house for most of the day, tidying up the house before deciding to do a bit of work on the garden. She had bought a few little veggies to plant a couple weeks back, and thought now might be a good time to get them all planted. It just meant they could eat the food they grew, and she was excited for that. She wandered back into the house after Sage had greeted her, covered in soil but looking very pleased as she wandered to the kitchen sink to wash her hands. "You had a good time?" She asked when she spotted him wandering over.
Sage hummed lightly when he noticed Mari, nodding happily in response to her comment. "Things are going well," he chirped. "Anyas getting a hold of things," he added lightly. "Would...would it be alright if she came over for dinner at some point," he asked, almost shyly. "A break today was good, and I want her to meet the kids. See the horses," he explained, giving her a hug and a kiss of greeting as he neared her, plopping down on the couch with a grunt after.
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The woman smiled softly when she looked over at him, and soon went to sit on the table so that she didn't get the sofa dirty. "That good," she chirped, going to sip at the tea she'd goooed a little while ago. She cocked her head at him after a moment and gave a little nod. "I'm sure that'd be fine," she mused softly. She didn't like the woman much... but they could get along, and it'd probably be good for the woman, and Sage for that matter to have a friend over. She then gave a little smile. "I take it you two had a good time then," she asked happily.