
Finn smiled and curled into her. (Timeskip?)
(To discharge?) Sera yawns

(ya) Finn drifts off in her arms.
Time Skip Sera woke up excited, today was the day that she and Finn would get disharged from their duty on the battlefield along with their friends. Sera yawns, rising quietly as not to disturb Finn

Finn remained asleep. He'd been healing up and getting better very well, but slowly.
Sera went to the canteen to grab their last meal here. She brought over the two trays, one hers and the other his, and placed them on the small table in the tent

Finn smiled, sitting up in bed. "Thanks, babe,"
Sera smiles, "I got your favorites"

"Oooh, blueberry muffins" he smiled, grabbing one and taking a muffin.
Sera smiles, "I'm glad your appitite is back"